52 | the past

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Four years ago:

Carla Dean was the Great Gatsby of our college. She had blue hair, a hot figure, and the most unique pair of eyes, with which she winked at me every time I threw a glance at her. Therefore, it wasn't a surprise when I was the first one to receive an invitation to her spontaneous party. The moment I saw the text attached to the bottom of her almost nude picture, I was more than excited to go to the party.

Don't get me wrong. It wasn't like I was attracted to her or something — my attraction was exclusive to my best friend's sister.

Claire Hill was a breathtaking disaster. There was no one compared to her. Unfortunately, she was the only girl I wasn't allowed to touch, not anymore, after Chris caught us under the stairs.

Without a second thought, I accepted the invitation to which Carla Dean replied with a kissing gif. I ignored replying to that, didn't need her to get the wrong impression. I was just looking for some off time. My schedule had been packed for days. Our basketball coach was breathing down my neck to join the team for the final match against the Ravens, my professors wanted me to do extra credit work even though I was their star student just to set an example for others, and Dad was keeping me updated with the new mergers of our company with global elites. I had hardly any time to take a break.

Well, Chris didn't have that either.

Christopher was the golden boy — he was perfect in every way. A part of me adored him because he was my brother. The other part — the part that was betrayed, loathed him for what he took from me.

I had no complaints though. The past was past and at least both of them had the decency to apologize. We were young — her and me. We were probably not meant to be.

When I stepped outside the gym, I found Chris leaning against his car. He was dressed in a jean jacket and khaki pants. His head hung low and the silence around him was kind of eerie. He wasn't supposed to pick me up which made me wonder why he had decided to show up.

With my gym bag clutched tightly in my hand, I walked up to the car and opened the door to throw it on the back seat.

"Carla's throwing a party at the Dean's beach house," I said to Chris while shutting the door. "Wanna come with me? No crashing this time. I was invited with a plus one."

"I need to pick Claire up," he whispered in response, staring at his phone. "She got drunk at prom."

Claire Hill getting drunk never ended well. I clenched my fists as I tried to brush away the thoughts of all the men who might be trying to take advantage of her now. I knew what they were thinking because I was in their place a few months ago, even though in my case, we were both drunk.

"Should probably get her first then," I chuckled awkwardly. "We know what happened the last time she got drunk."

Chris snapped his blue eyes at me and for a second, I thought he would hit me for reminding him of that night with his sister's lips on mine, but he just nodded, looking gloomy and disinterested.

"Hey man, you okay?" I patted his arm in a friendly way.

"Yes...yes...I'm..." he hummed. "Everything's right."

Everything didn't seem right. He was hiding something from me but I was in no mood to pester him. I was exhausted. I needed some refreshments and a one-night stand with someone, possibly Carla. It already irked me that someone wasn't Claire Hill.

I wasn't ready for Chris's daily dose of drama yet. Knowing him, he would tell me whatever was cooking inside his head anyway.

"That's good, bro. Let me know if something's bothering you. I'm here."

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