Chapter Fifty-Six

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Three weeks, and four drafts later, presenting to you, Chapter Fifty-Six. I honestly don't know how to feel about it, so please help me out by leaving some feedback?


I take a deep breath to calm myself, turning on my heel to hide my face from him as the façade crumbles. Dabbing my waterline with my finger, I assure myself that all will be well. It'll get better and alright.

I'm almost ready to turn around and give Arjun a piece of my mind for calling our marriage passive-aggressive bullshit, but Arjun's hesitant arms come around me from the back, as if he's scared I might go off at him, and even though I was ready to do just that, less than a moment ago, his warmth is a welcomed comfort.

I hold Arjun's forearms, pulling them closer to myself and fall back into his embrace, giving him the 'go' to hold me properly.

"I'm sorry Arvi," he whispers, but I quickly shake my head, stopping him from saying anything further.

"Please don't say anything," I request, turning to hug him. "Just— please, hold me for a moment."

I hide my face in his chest, breathing in his scent. The emotional exhaustion begins to fade as I find comfort in his embrace.

Why's everything about Arjun so comforting even when I want to be mad at him?

"Doesn't it bother you? Having to stay apart for six months?" I ask softly, resting my cheek against his chest.

"We're going to keep seeing each other, we can make it work."

"No, Arjun." I look up at him. "I know we can make it work, but it's going to be hard work. We're to stay in two different places for six months or more."

"Arvi, I'll keep visiting, and you can keep visiting whenever you have the time. It's honestly not going to be that hard. Trust me, we'll make it."

"You don't understand, Arjun," I huff, desperately. "This isn't about visiting each other and making it work. This is about staying away and making it work. You think we'll be able to visit each other, but once you're swamped with work and I'm doing my thing— it's not going to be easy. For all you know, we might not be able to see each other for six months. You'll be alone in Dubai, and I'll be here, without you. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

Arjun looks at me searchingly and lets out a small smile before nodding. "It will be hard," he agrees. "But if you think we can make it, I'm sure we can."

I take a step back from Arjun, replying sarcastically, "sure. If you can put up with this passive-aggressive bullshit for longer. I'm sure we can."

He stares at me as if he doesn't understand where I'm coming from. "What do you mean?" he asks, slowly, sounding as perplexed as he looks.

My jaw drops at his question. "What do you mean what I mean?" I retort, angrily. "Ten minutes ago, you called our marriage passive-aggressive bullshit. You couldn't have forgotten so soon!"

"I didn't," are the first words to leave Arjun's mouth, but seeing the extremely serious look on my face, he gapes, pointing to himself. "Did I?"

"Yes, you did," I exclaim. "Less than ten minutes ago! How can you not remember?"

"I don't know," Arjun says. "I can't think of saying such a thing—"

"Well, you did," I state bluntly.

"I'm sorry, Janaki," he apologises, sounding so sincere, it breaks my heart for even expecting an apology from him. "I didn't mean it, I shouldn't have said it. I'd never say such a thing. I'm so sorry."

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