282 - Revelation

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Side Note - Same AU as Mary giving birth when Francis is away in the plague, and didn't know she was pregnant (Chapter 229)


"Aren't you beautiful?" Mary hums to the baby in her arms, slowly stroking his hair as he suckles from her breast. He's the most important thing she's ever seen, he's so perfect and quiet and sweet. She didn't realise how powerful a bond could be until he left her body in such unconventional circumstances at the height of the plague. For weeks it had just been her and the baby locked up in their rooms, the two of them against all things, even the thing that bound them and forsaken them not too long after. And now, under Catherine's instructions, Mary was to be churched and hidden in a small, serene Chateaux on the eastern border coast, just her and her baby and a coupe dozen staff to care for them.

She loves him, she loves him, she loves him. This baby, who wasn't expected to last the minute he left her womb prematurely, this strong, brave, courageous baby, who had grown and fought through milestone after milestone to survive in this world despite being so small and so vulnerable, with her being his only caretaker for such a long time. They don't need anybody else, they have each other.

"The most beautiful baby in the world." she strokes his dark blonde curls tenderly as he smiles for her, with his mouth still wrapped around her nipple. "You're so precious, the most important thing in the world to me."

Honestly, with the way things ended with her and Francis, Mary wouldn't be surprised if James would be the only baby she ever held or gave life to in this world. She hadn't heard from him since she and her baby were taken to the chateaux just over two months ago. He's just under four months old now, she doesn't know if he's King of France or if she has a place on the throne of France, she imagines she does, Catherine would let her know if Francis was dead, but if he had died in the plague with her best friend and their baby, how would they know? Was his beautiful body recovered? Did he have a son, a daughter? Was he made aware that she had given him a son, even as sickly as he was as a new-born?

But, if he was dead -dare she think it- wouldn't she feel something? Their bond was too strong, only strengthened by the blood that flow through their baby's veins. Granted, their goodbye was a bitter pill to swallow, the knowledge that given the choice between she and Lola, he would pick Lola, but he was still the man she loved and he was her husband and King, in two senses now, not just one.

The world knew of the baby, she was sure of it. Mary had corresponded with her mother just after the baby's birth, and had written letters to the Kings and Queens of Europe with her news. Ambassadors and nobility were given the news to spread to the Kingdoms, her supporters in England and Scotland were told, too. She had written letters and corresponded with those she could trust with the news, so how could Francis not have known?

Or, worse, maybe he did know, and just didn't care? Too busy playing family with his son and his mother?

The door suddenly knocked.

Mary adjusts a blanket to cover her baby, as even though feeding her baby was natural, Mary didn't want to give her runner boy or one of her visitors an eyeful of her almost bare breast.

"Enter!" she calls.

The door opens, and her young informative, a girl of thirteen years, with muddy red hair, heaps of freckles and little blue-green eyes, pokes her head into the room. Her cheeks are red, and she's puffing as if she had been running.

"'Lizabeta," Mary states. "Dear God, sit down before you faint, child." she reaches a hand out and supports her little one with the other, but the girl shakes her head and curtseys, before gasping in air, gulping it down like it's soup and she's a starving girl. "My-my Lady, your Majesty, our scouts say they see the King, his half brother, the Baron of Alsace and three others gaining towards us, and they demand to be let in. Should we allow them entry, your highness? I am aware that as King, we should obey, but you are our mistress, and your word is law."

It had been like that the entirety of the plague, Mary thinks.

Mary stands up sharply, trying her best not to jostle the baby in her arms. 

"What? The King is here?" she whispers.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Should I give the order to open the gates?"

Mary feels worry burn through her gut, and finds comfort in the weight of her baby boy. 

"Yes, let him in."


Was going to add more to this and have Francis' actual reaction, but I can't decide what it should be, fancy giving a girl some ideas?

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