Part 3

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Does she want to tell something?

Y/n: mom do you want to tell me something?
Mom: umm...yes



Y/n: yes mom, what is it?
Mom: umm...y/'s......
Y/n:it is ??
Mom: umm....
Y/n: yahh, Mom tell !
I said getting more curious

Mom: It'sjustthatIgotaboyfriedpleasedon't-
get mad..
Y/n: Ohk..I appreciate that you can rap, but can you again say it so that I can understand???
Mom: it's.......that I got a boyfriend.!

ok....that was kinda expected as she was behaving weirdly lately, but I am happy that she got someone that will stay by her side now.

Y/n: ohh... congratulations mom.!!!
I said happily

Mom: you are not angry?
Y/n: no!, why would I be angry?
Mom: OMO! Thank you so much y/n!

I smiled at, her after seeing her happy after so long

Y/n: mom tell me more about him, like when did you met ? Who is he ? What does he do..?
Mom:ok..he's name is Kim Min-ho. We met last year when he came India for offering us collaboration with his company. After that we started to meet eachother often and a month ago he proposed me, and he is no.1 Buisness Man of World means CEO of Kim's Company and he  uh has 7 sons .
Y/n: means I will have step brothers??
now that shocked me more

Mom: yes
Y/n: have you met them before ?
Mom: You want to meet his family ?
Y/n: umm.....ok!
Mom smiled wildly
Mom: ok it's 5 right now go and get ready we will go there at 8 , I will call and tell him.
Y/n: ok..
I was going towards stairs when I heard mom talking with him.

Mom: hello!!!
Mom: yes! Y/n agreed our relationship and that's why I am soo happy!
Mom: I was thinking that I bring her to meet your family, as she want to meet you and boys too.
Mom: ok we will be there by 8
Mom: ok...bye!
she is so happy!

I smiled and proceeded to go upstairs

On other hand
BTS pov:

We were setting in Jin hyung's room when a maid came and told us that dad is calling us.
We looked at eachother and went down thinking that it must be something important. As we reached downstairs we saw dad on call with some and.....he was happy?after some seconds he cut the call and as soon he saw us he told us to sit down.
We did as he said and then jin hyung asked

Jin: dad you called us ?
Dad: yes, I want to tell you all something.
Namjoon: yes dad, what is it?
Dad: all of you know that, after your mom...passed away I totally engrossed myself in work..
We all nodded. It was- still is tough for all of us, we all miss her very much..

Dad: but, in the sadness I forgot that she wouldn't like to see any of us in this state. She would be happy if we all proceed in our life, right?


We all looked at him as he continued

Dad: I..found someone

wait a minute..

We all looked at each other. Don't judge us alright. We are happy for him, just need some time to process.

Hoseok: dad..

Dad: I know, it's not that easy to accept someone else, but can you at least give her a chance?

Yoongi: we can try..

𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 𝐈𝐝𝐨𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now