Chapter 12 ◌ Voglio volare

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Moscow, 2021

"Vic! Thommy! Get your asses out of the bed, we're flying home today!" Ethan shouts with an excited voice once he steps into our room. It's way too early to come out of bed yet, how on earth is Ethan in such a good mood anyways? I grumble and I hear Vic murmuring something unkind as well. "Forza ragazzi! Or I'll drag you out of the bed by myself!" he says loudly, trying to intimidate us. I mean, I'm always happy to go back to Italy but this bed felt like a soft cloud. I turn on my back to look at what's going on and heave another sigh. Vic's already sitting up with a cheerful smile on her face. "Sììì, andiamo Italia!" she chirps. 

Too. much. noise. And. Happiness. This. Early!

You might ask, why do I sleep in the same bed as Victoria? First of all, we're just friends and all of us are equals so we just switch beds from time to time. It's sometimes me and Ethan or me and Dam as well, you get it. And we are barely in our rooms when we're away so it doesn't matter at all. At home, Damiano has a holy sleep schedule yet I am a night owl as always. But now, I'd like to curl up again and continue my dream, I was dreaming that I met Nirvana and Kurt was teaching me something, so my friends can't blame me for being in a bad mood. 

Victoria hits my face with her pillow. "Get up, Cobra pigro!" And she starts pulling my arms, trying to make me sit up in the bed. I laugh hysterically as I resist her. Her tiny arms and soft hands aren't strong enough to even get my arm up straight. It's a hilarious sight. She's struggling, almost growling. I start tickling her and she immediately pulls away and gets tears in her eyes from laughter.

And then I feel someone grabbing my feet, pulling me out of the bed right onto the ground. Auwtch. 

Ethan smirks, "Where's your dignity, huh amico? Fight with someone of your own size, Thommy!" Vic giggles, her eyes are firing "Karma, stronzo" and she throws her pillow full on my face. 

Ugh, the floor isn't as warm and fluffy as the bed so I decide to get up because I don't want to stay on the hardwood floor. Ethan is already fully dressed, at least for him: flared jeans with a tie. I throw on my Hard Rock Café shirt that I got when we were in Amsterdam and throw on some sweatpants I find on the floor. My hair looks exploded and my face is still puffy from fatigue but I go to the shared dining area next to Ethan and Damiano's room. We specifically asked for a place to eat for just the four of us because if people would see us here we wouldn't get a bite. Damiano's already in there, he's wearing a simple tank top and black trousers, his face looks tired but he has twinkles in his eyes. He was the one that came up with the plan of organizing a game for our fans. His instructions were clear about where it has to be and we all immediately agreed. And now we're going to discuss how we're going to drop the hints. Ethan walks in as well, and Vic too in one of my shirts, but since she is so small the shirt covers her up to her thighs.

𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐚 𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐚 - MåneskinWhere stories live. Discover now