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"Taking care of you is my duty for my whole life"


He hugged me from behind and whispered, "So, are you ready to fulfill the duties of a wife?"

I completely froze hearing this. There were chills in my body and suddenly my heart started beating in a rhythmic way. For an instant, I thought he is speaking the truth until the moment where he said Radhika's name flashed in my mind.

Just before some minutes, he replied Radhika's name for Love and now he's asking me whether I am ready to be his wife or not. Is he trying to be a jerk? Ask your so-called ex whether she's ready to be your wife. Why are you trying to get on my nerves?

I don't even why does Neha didi is all mad about you? Doesn't she know about his history? He's just a playboy or play man or whatsoever it is. I wish I could punch your handsome face right now and ruin it. Uhh, What to do even though he's a devil or a jerk he's still handsome and maybe hot just maybe.

Just the fact he still loves Radhika made me push him back hard. He stumbled backward and turned towards him.

"I have to change, so can you please go out", I said to which Ayushman nodded.

He stepped towards the door and stopped and turned back to me.

"Sorry, if I made you feel uncomfortable. I was just trying to fool you. ", he said.

"It's okay", I said avoiding eye contact.

"By the way, wherever you are going tomorrow I could drop you."

"No Thanks I can manage", I snapped.

"Umm Okay", he said and turned back to leave.

As he turned back to leave he collapsed to the ground.

"Ayushman", I yelled and ran towards him.

I kept his head on my lap and found that he was unconscious. As I touched his forehead I found that his head and whole body were burning.

He has a high fever.

I yelled and called all the servants and they carried him to his room. After which I called the doctor.

Until the doctor came I was just trying to bring down his temperature by applying a cold water cloth on his forehead.

The doctor came and checked him and gave me the medicines which I should be giving him each after food.

He assured me that it was just a normal fever and nothing more.

After the doctor went I still continued to bring down his temperature with the cold water cloth.

He was wearing a waistcoat and a shirt beneath it. I thought that it would be better if I removed and opened some of the buttons of the shirt so that he doesn't feel suffocated.

I opened the waistcoat and started opening the buttons of the shirt until he caught my hand.

I was startled by his actions. I looked towards him and his eyes were wide open.

"Woah Woah! You scared me. You could have said to me that you are awake"

"What were you trying to do?", he said looking down at his shirt which I have unbuttoned.

I suddenly felt as if I was trying to harass him. I took my hand off from his shirt but he was still holding my wrist with his hands. I pulled my hand from his grip but he tightened the grip.

"It's not what you are thinking...." and he pulled me towards him.

It was raining and I could feel as the breeze came from the window which was still open. I was all around this room for almost two hours but I didn't notice it.

The rain makes a kind of curtain, which is probably for the best. Because all of a sudden, I'm above him, and my hands are on his shoulders, and I'm trying to keep breathing. His eyes clearly looking at mine deeply trying to figure out something.

"It's really not what you think", I shuttered.

He loosened his grip from my hand and placed it on the back of my neck. He pulled me towards him and then our lips met. It was barely a kiss-just a quick, startling press of my lips. Before I could even think of moving away, he had hold of me. I gasp in surprise and grab his shoulders.

His body was burning out of fever and now mine too out of nervousness.

His lips brushed against my lips as they parted. He pulled back a little. He was staring at me, and I stared right back as he kissed me again, harder for a long time. He pulled me more closer until we heard a sound from the door.

He broke the kiss and looked up and I turned back to find none other than my in-laws and my family members staring at us.



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