Worst case

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"Hey-" I shut the door behind me not letting Jean get another word and headed to the scene of the crime. Apparently they found another murder after checking the warehouse. This guy had been going on for months now, and I wanted the end of it. I pushed through the crowd there and got into the warehouse. It wasn't dark at all anymore and the flashes of cameras helped that too. Looking at the victim they were strung up by their wrists on a piece of fallen ceiling. "What's this about?" I asked, looking at the pumpkin head on the ground. Warner shrugged and simply stated "He was probably killed here, already pumpkins and stuff. Y'know there's actually another detective on this case" I felt slightly annoyed and gave him that glare "Alright, alright. Though I think you two should get along, who knows" I sighed, they're all right. I may not like sharing my work but sometimes maybe it's better once and a while. "He's Detective Stone, right over there by the uh, bloody pumpkins" I glanced over at the area and I did in fact see someone, he had a trench coat and basic suit and tie, he also looked...34? 35? His hair was a short black mess looking like he never slept, this would be hard to work with. I made my way over to him and he glanced at me for a second "You detective Von?..." He asked, "Yeah but , I'd prefer just Mike." Somehow I didn't think they would tell him my last name. "You new, Von?" He didn't get the hint, maybe he was just deaf? "No actually...just returning for some stuff." I responded coldly, seeing as he didn't care much. "Not very professional," He closed his notebook and looked at me up and down "You don't seem all that impressive. Let's just see if you're any good huh?...don't fuck up my crime scenes." I stared at him in I guess a form of confusion because next thing I know he shoulder checked me on his way past, leaving me there. "What a bitch" I decided to forget about 'Detective Stone' for now and look at the pumpkins, all growing, though at least 50 were missing. Like all the people who've been murdered, whoever this was needed to be caught soon.

Nobody knew the person who died, so far we have no clues for this one. As I was leaving Warner got my attention "Caption said you and Stone are going to need to work together Mike, " I rolled my eyes "As if it's going to happen." Warner sighed "I'm serious- you and Stone need to work on this Mike." I looked at the ground for a moment, thinking. "I'll figure it out.." I mumbled reluctantly as I left.

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