34 ✘ if you only knew

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✘ most likely to lose everything once exposed ✘

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most likely to lose everything once exposed


They were so excited to see your name. I remember your mother coming into the school after it was released. She yelled at you in front of everyone. Apparently, you ran away. The texts sent shame to your family. Your notes app leaked, with names of those you trusted and not one of them said anything — not even Bradford and you guys we're the 'it couple.' He let them all walk over you, let them say whatever, broke up with you in front of all his friends whilst they laughed. Rupi Samir, gone. I'll get revenge for you. We'll get revenge for you.

I keep it real,

— Valé.

[in drafts]

"SO I WAS thinking." My eyes stray off from the current math work I'm doing and up to where Caleb is. He's seated across from me at the library table we've assigned as our own.

"Wow, I'm so glad you've unlocked a new feature." His eyes hold mine, obviously unimpressed with my snide remark. "Sorry, continue on," I prompt, dropping my pencil on the table.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." He rolls his eyes at that and I can't help but smile, being annoying is kind of fun.

"I was thinking after the last thing Silvers wrote, it'd be better if we didn't hang out in public."

My heart seizes at that. What does he mean by 'hang out; he's the one who said we should be together in public and now he wants to take that back?

"What about my math grades?" What about us? What about the plan?

I just figured out his secret but I'm yet to find out if it holds merit. I also want my tracking device back. And, if he wants this to end I need to play into the heartbroken good girl. He can't suspect that I have anything to do with his imminent downfall.

Caleb's ability to stifle a smile is shit. "They'll survive."

"How? You're the only reason I'm passing my classes." I'm averaging a strong B+, he thinks I'm bringing a D—.

"Well, you'll still be getting tutored by me, just...privately."

"Privately?" I repeat, as if the word is foreign.

He shrugs cooly. "Yeah, privately at my place. If that's cool with you."

Talk about progress.

"Oh," My shoulders release from their tensed position. "Yeah, that's cool." Cool? This is freaking great. Just wait until I tell Nads.

"Yeah?" He hums.

I flicker my gaze down back to the worksheet and draw my brows together. "You know what would be cooler, though?" I ask, burying down a smirk.

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