46 - 007

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


"Wait hold on, why does she get to tickle?" JJ pouts from next to me and Pope sighs from the front of the

"She's the best tickler." We had been sitting in the car for a few hours, waiting for the perfect time to "tickle the wire" as Pope said and now apparently was the time.

"What about me? Why can't I tickle the wire?" I muse, shooting a look at JJ as he shakes his head  disappointment.

"Li you barely have a voice, how would you possibly tickle the wire when it requires talking."

My face contorts into an annoyed look and I sigh dramatically. "Fine. Fine. But you better be good at accents Kie. Gotta make sure to disguise your real voice."

"What? like this? Would you like a cuppa tea and a biscuit? That's rubbish! It's a bit cloudy innit?" she runs through a few phrases in a rough British accent and all of us immediately shake our head in opposition.

"No, not like that... Batman." a mischievous smile spreads across Popes face and Kie's stays completely serious. "Batman."

JJ shugs and I laugh softly, "As good as we can get, let's go." We all absentmindedly hold our breath as Kie dials the number. It rings twice before the person on the other end of the line answers, "Hello?"

Kie clears her throat as I shoot her a thumbs up and her voice drops three if not four octaves, "Is Gavin there?"

"This is Gavin. Who's this? hello?"

"I know what happened on the tarmac." Kie states flatly and a nervous chuckle is reciporcated on the other end of the call. "Uh... who's this?"

"It was Rafe Cameron. But you already knew that, and you lied about it." her voice stays steady, but Gavin's; however, is really starting to waver. "Okay. Who is this?"

"We're gonna prove it. You're guilty."

"Okay you're going to tell me who this is right now." his voice is even more nervous and I glance at JJ who gives my hand a squeeze of reassurance. Kie can handle this.

"You could have saved her, Gavin, and you didn't . And you're not getting away with this."

"Listen to me! Who is this!" his voice is louder now but before he can interrogate her any longer Kie hangs up the phone, rolling her eyes before gazing at all of us. "How was that?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I was scared. Good job." JJ shares, a hint of sarcasm in his voice and I nod, clapping slowly.

"All right. We tickled the wire. Phase two complete. Now we wait and listen." Pope says a little too excitedly and I lean forward, patting him on the back.

"Slow your roll 007, we aren't even close to done yet, besides, kie did most of the work." he opens his mouth to retort something back at me but he immediately closes it, thinking of the undoubtably outcome of me kicking his ass.

Within a few minutes of us tickling the wire a car starts to exit the garage of our subject and we all bend down inside the vehicle, laying low before we follow in suit. the second heat of our sightline Kie bolts up, staring the car.

"Oh no my seat belt! My seat belt!" Pope shouts in a panic, yanking at the line and I resist the urge to slap him upside the head.

"Now's not the time to have a crisis about a damn seatbelt Pope, so sit your ass down and listen to your AirPods!" without another peep he stops is fantic movements, sitting straight in his seat as we rush down the road after our target.

"It's Ward he's talking to ward." Pope says and I hear Kiara huff shortly after, "Are you serious?"

"Yeah." he's silent for a little while before he looks back at Kie, "Get clo- closer, I can't hear." she nods, inching closer to the vehicle we're following.

"He's talking about negotiating something, re.. renegotiating. Gavin's got the gun that Rafe used to kill peterkin." all our eyebrows rise in shock at Pope's works and we all mutter similar variations of 'oh shit'. This means there's still a way we can clear John B's name.

"I think he's trying to use it as extortion, as leverage."

"Wait he's pulling over." Kie says, her voice shaking, not quite knowing what to do. "Shit he's panicking."

"Do I pull behind him? What- what do I do?" she glances back at us, worry flashing through her gaze. "Uh.. just- just pull around the block. We'll catch him on the flip side."

she pulls around his car in a hurry, her hands shaking, "Guys we're gonna lose him!"

"Go, go, go!" JJ pesters from next to me as I slap him on the thigh, a cross look reflected on my face. "Okay that's not helping anything!"

"I can't hear anything. Shit. I'm losing the signal. I can't hear him."

As we near where the block ends we're met with a road closed sign and we all groan. "What the hell is this?"

"Kie!" I lean forward in my seat so she can hear me more clearly, "Just stop and whip a U-turn up here or pull into that driveway and back up." I try to say as calmly as I can, trying to out weigh the panicked energy that is overflowing the car.

she shifts the car into reverse but the second she does a work crew decides its the perfect time to bring in a bulldozer into the worksite.

"Oh for fucks sake!? Are you kidding me?" I exclaim as JJ opens the door, starting to yell at the worker. I grab his arm in an attempt to yank him back into the car when Pope jumps out of the vehicle, sprinting down the block.

"Pope what the fuck are you doing?" I yell at him and he turns around, running backwards. "We gotta know where they're meeting."

"we're going after him, right?" JJ looks at Kie and I and we both nod, jumping out of the car and running down the pavement, following the route that Pope took. I see him jump the fence ahead od us and JJ and I share a look before bringing our run to a halt.

"Kie go find him, Li can't risk jumping the fence. We'll go around and meet you there!" he calls after her and she nods, racing after our friend. "What are you waiting for maybank? let's go!" I smile before grabbing his arm and pulling him out onto the gravel, sprinting to my best ability down the road.

we make it just in time to meet the two other pouges who are concealed behind a bush as Gavin's car drives away and Pope's face reflects utter shock. "What does that mean? Did you hear something?"

"He... he's meeting Ward right now. We gotta go." he says before they all start sprinting back to the car and I groan. "Oh god I am not built for this shit anymore,"

"C'mon Li!" JJ yells back to me and I sigh before running after them. I make it back to the car no problem but the minute I stop I feel my stomach lurch.

"Li are you okay? You look kinda.." he pauses, searching for the right word to explain my appearance, "green?" KI finishes for him but before I can say anything in response I'm emptying my stomach on some random Kook's grass in the middle of figure eight.

"okay, maybe warn me first before you start sprinting halfway across the county so I can stay in the car as lookout. I am not built for high exertion exercise, growing a human is hard enough without having to try and keep up with your asses." I breathe out as JJ rubs my back and I lean back, pulling my weight onto him.

"Okay now stop staring at me like that and let's get the hell out of here! We have a meeting to spy on!" I stand up from my sitting position and they all are thrown back into reality, rushing into the vehicle. What would they do without me?


and that is a wrap
on episode one you guys!
I hope you enjoyed
the update and I'll try
to get a few more
up/written before
I start college
next week! See you soon!

The other side | OBXحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن