Lil intro

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Hello I'm Hannah and I've never really written smut but I create a lot of ideas in my mind and I finally decided to write it and make it a book, THANKFULLY you and kusuo are married so we gonna skip the "new student at PK" scenes and get straight to business. I found few good saiki k x reader books and I am quite a horny person so I am creating a book for people like me 😏 let's not worry about age but I'm just your slightly average horny teenager welcome to the club!!

Now I want to go over some notes
First of all I'm not going to make (y/n) blush or moan at every little small thing. I myself am black sooo I ain't gonna put anything about blushing Soo sorry about that. To some people it might be a relief.
Second when I write something like "she hums with pleasure" or some shit like that (I won't say exactly that but you get the point) (y/n) makes a "mmh" sound Soo yeah, it might seem pointless to bring that up to the surface but when I say something like "hum" now you know what type of moan to imagine 🤷🏿‍♀️ I find it kinda cringy to put moans into dialogue Soo yea. Uhm that's all I gotta say, it's gonna be a lot of sex scenes butttt it won't be like there's sex everyday. The sex will happen when ever but this is like y'all's sex life rather than focusing more on daily life with kusuo. Lastly this book is for anyone who is just horny, idc how old you are. If you think you wanna read this book then you do you 😝 I'm pretty young myself. Uhmmmm I covered everything, I hope y'all enjoy this book

Oh crap, I forgot to mention (y/n) will have powers to block kusuo out her mind and stuff and both of their wedding rings are made out of a special and different metal where if two people with powers wears them they won't be able to read each other's mind but can hear every one else's mind.

All Yours~ saiki k x HORNY female readerWhere stories live. Discover now