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we'd forgotten about the Bahamas.

we arrived at Tanny Hill to find Ward waiting somewhat patiently.

"you've got a half hour. don't be late or we'll leave without you." he began packing our shopping bags into the boot while we raced upstairs.

i didn't need to pack much seeing as i'd bought a small business worth of new clothes.

i grabbed one of Rafe's Louis Vuitton suitcases and began chucking stuff in.

makeup, straighteners, curlers, toothbrush.

i tucked my jewellery into separate little pouches so they wouldn't tangle and in they went.

i picked out heels and trainers and sliders, handbags and beach bags, plus all the stuff i knew Rafe would forget; chargers, sun cream and his favourite aftershave.

"ready?" he asked.


he took my case and his, dragging them out to his Range and stuffing them in the trunk.

"let's get going then, June."

the Cameron's private jet was waiting on the runway.

the same runway Peterkin was shot on.

Rafe parked in the hangar and got the bags out of the trunk, handing them to a flight attendant who'd rushed over.

the attendant wheeled them over to the plane and Rafe slung his arm round my shoulders.

"best holiday starts now." Ward grinned as we boarded. "champagne?"

he held over a bottle of Möet.

"thanks," Rafe took the bottle, pouring it into two glasses and passing one to me.

"cheers," i raised the glass.

"cheers," the Cameron's echoed.

the flight took around an hour.

i took the time to do my makeup and think about what to tell my parents.

i hoped they wouldn't be mad.

they trusted Ward, hopefully enough to keep an eye on their precious daughter.

we landed smoothly at a private airfield where two cars waited.

i let out a squeal.

next to Ward's car sat my black soft top Jeep.

"i thought you'd be happy to see her." Ward grinned.

from his pocket he pulled a set of keys with a gold flower keychain and handed them to me.

"go on." he leaned against the jet as i ran to my car.

unlocking it, i hopped into the driving seat and ran my hands over the wheel as Rafe took the passenger seat.

my vanilla air freshener still hung from the rear view mirror, filling the car with a sweet scent.

i reached over Rafe to open the glove box, then let out a laugh.

inside there was money, receipts, my old gun and a whole lot of blunts.

"just as we left her." he grinned.

"exactly how she should be." i started turned the ignition on.

the exhaust let out a loud roar, and began rumbling.

i'd had her altered when i was 16, loving the noise.

i still loved it now.

"we'll meet you at the house!" Rafe called to his dad, who nodded and waved us off.

we only got a little bit lost.

i sped along the costal road, staring across the clear blue ocean, then turned right.

i didn't bother to slow down as we drove through a little town, sellers and children jumping out of the way of my car, cursing after us.

when we reached some sort of plantation, we knew we'd gone the wrong way.

i turned and sped back through the village, and turned left where i'd gone right before.

it didn't take us long to reach the guarded gate.

"well i'll be damned." Hennrick, the old gate keeper hobbled out. "Juno and Rafe Cameron!"

"not a Cameron just yet, Henners." i laughed.

"then why've ya got that great ring on ya finga?" he smiled widely.

the old man had no teeth.

"it's a promise ring!"

"well i promise not ta tell Mista Cameron abou' what ya two get up to, drivin here an' there in the early hours, if ya promise ta keep it down. we had too many complaints about cha parties last year."

"of course, Hennerick. would you like a ring too?" i teased.

"wouldn't mind one," he chuckled. "off ya go, lovebirds. catch ya later!"

"i forgot all about him!" Rafe twisted round in his seat as i drove away.

"how could you forget poor old Henners?"

"how could you remember?"

i laughed and pulled up to the big black gates of Shangri-La.

i reached out and pressed the buzzer.

"name?" a voice came.

"Rafe Cameron and Juno Ca- Wills. Juno Wills."

"alright." the gates opened and i parked outside.

"i heard that." Rafe grinned.

"heard what?" i got out.

"you called yourself Juno Cameron!"

"i did not!"

"it's all on record, i'm sure we could go and listen..."

"shut up." i said, walking inside.

"welcome to Paradise!" Ward called, coming down the stairs. "pleasant journey?"

"yeah, we didn't get too lost." i nodded.

"good. i need to show you two something serious."

Rafe and i exchanged a look, but followed Ward into the living room where a large safe waited.

"before the day Peterkin died, we were in a financial hole. a large one." Ward pressed numbers on the safe. "but you, Rafe, you saved us."

he opened the safe to reveal stacks and stacks of solid gold bars.

"holy shit." i breathed.

Ward laughed, picking up two handfuls of gold and handing them to me and Rafe.

"you saved us, Rafe!" Ward repeated.

Rafe whooped and placed his hands on his head, walking outside.

we were all laughing and hugging and cheering.

"i know i'm hard on you a lot of the time, but i'm so, so proud of you, son." Ward pulled him into a rough hug.

i beamed at my boyfriend over his dads shoulder.

"i love you, dad." he choked out.

"i love you too, Rafe."

they let go of each other.

"and i love you, Juno." he picked me up and twirled me round, planting a kiss on my lips.

"i love you too, Rafe." i grinned, hugging him. "i think this calls for an extra special celebration tonight." i whispered in his ear.

prepare yourselves for the next part, babies ⛪️🛐

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