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Jude's pov:

She really meant what she said. We really do watch almost 3 Disney films. First Frozen 1 and then the 2nd film.

I have to admit that they are actually not as bad as expected.

The credits of the film are just rolling when she takes the remote control and already wants to choose another film.

I briefly look at the clock, only to see that it is already 0:30. Shit, I didn't really want to stay here that long. Oh well. Actually, I didn't want to stay here at all. I just wanted to talk to her.

I really thought she had a boyfriend and didn't tell me. I don't know why that bothered me so much, but it did.

"What do you want to watch next?" she asks me suddenly. I hardly know a single Disney film, so I say the one I can see on the TV screen at the moment.

"The Lion King," I say quickly. "Good choice. That's my favourite film," she replies with a smile. At least that's got one good thing going for it then. If I don't like the film, I can watch her getting upset over every little thing, or smiling over the smallest things.

"But first I need something to eat. Do you want something?" she asks me as she gets up from the bed. I just shake my head and she disappears from the room shortly afterwards.

I look around a bit while I wait for her. She has a whole floor to herself.

 There is a picture of her and her mother on a dresser. But there are two other people next to it.

When I pick it up and look at it more closely, I notice that the picture was taken in a football stadium.

I think it must be her father and her sister. Her sister looks exactly like her, only a few years younger. And you can recognise the father because all three of them have dark eyes and dark hair.

Her mother, on the other hand, looks like a typical English woman. Blonde hair, fair skin and blue eyes.

But why aren't they here? Maybe they have separated. Or maybe they just live apart, like our family.

"What are you doing?" suddenly asks a voice behind me.

I'm so startled that the picture accidentally falls out of my hand and the frame shatters.

"Shit. I'm so sorry," I say as I bend down to pick up the picture and the broken pieces.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the picture.

"No...um, it's fine," she says as she looks thoughtfully at the broken frame. She lies. Nothing is good. I can tell by the look in her eyes and by the way she kneads her hands. She always does that when she's nervous.

JB and Me | jude bellingham Where stories live. Discover now