- 47: All over again -

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*Hands over two Oreos and a tissue*


Emily's P

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Emily's P.O.V.

I rang the doorbell of my house, expecting a commotion which is exactly what I heard.

I heard several footsteps before the door was pulled open by a disheveled Ryder. His eyes landed on me and widened immediately.

"Miles..." He breathed out, taking in my tired form and the very prominent scar on my cheek.

I was suddenly pulled into the house and in a warm embrace.

I melted in Ryder's arms and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath.

"Why Miles? Why does this always happen? How many more times would I have to see you beaten up?" He mumbled in my hair.

I didn't answer him because after what happened today, I didn't really have an answer. Instead, I just tightened my arms around him and he sighed.

"Hey, stop hogging my sister." Alec said, almost like a symbolic reminder that I can't just constantly be at peace.

When Ryder didn't move away, Alec sighed. "Dude, I need to check her wounds."

I heard Ryder sigh and slowly move away from me. His eyes didn't meet mine but I didn't miss the troubled look in his eyes.

I felt a finger flicking my forehead before I could fret over the weird vibe I got from Ryder.

"Ow! What the fuck?" I glared at Alec who was looking at me with a stern look.

Alec rolled his eyes and helped me settle on the couch in the living room.

"I thought you went there to talk." Lex asked, settling beside me. "What happened?"

Ryder was leaning against a wall opposite to where I was, Alec was tending the small wounds on my arms and face with a clenched jaw and Lex just looked seconds away from having a panic attack.

Mom and dad weren't home as usual and I rubbed my temples as the events from an an hour ago flashed through my mind.

"Well, are you going to tell us what happened?" Alec snapped, pressing harder on the wound on my cheek, making me wince.

"Hey..." Lex said, in a warning tone, directed to Alec.

"I don't know where to start." I sighed. "I called Alex King right after Lex showed me the note that she found in her room..."


*Two hours ago*

"What the fuck does this mean?!" I exclaimed bursting into the very familiar office of the gang.

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