Chapter 25

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I turned around, gasping as I watched Luka on the ground. "Luka!" I exclaimed, eyes widening since he didn't move.

On top of him was the familiar Jon Kent. "Get off!"

My hands curled around his arms, lifting him from atop Luka. Jon stared at her, baffled at why she was helping the person who tried to attack her.

"Get away! He's dangerous." Jon called, holding his hands out, ready to pull the mysterious man away at any moment. I heard one of Luka's groans, signaling he was alive.

"I thought you were dead!"

Pulling him up, Luka massaged his head lightly. "Very much alive, just need a few minutes." With a little shuffle through his blue hair, you couldn't even tell it was disheveled before.

"I'm guessing you know this chick." Luka asked mockingly, swinging an arm around my shoulders.

Jon looked between the both of us and slowly nodded as if unsure of what the right thing to do or say was.

"The way you tackled me wasn't cool man, but I guess I've had worse." Luka shrugged, ignoring Jon expression and turning to face me. "Wanna introduce this guy?"

My lips formed a thin line, "Jon, Luka. Luka, Jon." I motioned to the person named, dropping my arms at the awkward silence.

Damian peered between Jon and I, "Todd and Drake went back with your class to sort things out."

"Okay." I mumbled, shifting the weight from the right foot to the left.  

The four of us were just standing in an uneven square, waiting for one of us to do something, anything.

Luka seized the moment, "I'll be heading back now, it was great to see you again. Let's talk soon!" He waved, turning away and down the path.

I let out a breath I didn't know was there. "Couffaine seems well." Damian commented, catching Jon's attention.

"You knew him and didn't tell me? What kind of friend are you Damian?" Jon whined, grabbing onto the side of Damian's left arm, only to be swatted away.

"Please Kent, if I didn't take action why would you. I like Marinette way more than you."

Jon turned to me, I crossed my arms, huffed, and turned the other way. "You're mad at me Nette?" Jon pouted.

"Yes as a matter of fact I am." My right foot stomped harshly against the ground. "Luka was almost hurt because of you."

Damian was amused, "Yes, punish him Sister."

"Noooo! Don't!"

I shook my head playfully, but still tried to avoid Jon since things were kinda awkward. I mean yeah, he had good intentions, but doesn't Jon know I can defend myself? I just don't really know what to think right now. Should I stay mad or should we just move on from this?

The silence wasn't strange, but it also wasn't comfortable. "I'll call a car to come pick us up." I offered, finally saying somethings and starting to pull out my phone. "Do whatever you want." Damian responded, shrugging his shoulders.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Jon's face fell, but ignored it.

I got home with the 2 boys in tow. "Welcome back Master Damian, Miss Marinette and Master Jon!" Alfred greeted, holding the door open. I laughed, waving as we stepped in. "How was your day Miss?"

"Pretty shitty I guess."

"Language please." Alfred sighed shaking his head.

"Right sorry!"

"It's quite alright, but Master Bruce mentioned wanting to talk to you about something quite important so if you'll please head on up to his office."

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, lips pressing into a thin line as I pondered on what it could be. With a court nod, I stepped up the stairs, hearing the faint sound of the front door opening, it was probably Jason and Tim since Dick didn't get off work for another 2 hours.

"Dad?" I called, pushing open the door. "Hello, welcome back Marinette."

"No nickname?" I joked, taking a seat. "Not for now I'm afraid." He said, collecting the papers sprawled out across his desk, stacking them, then lightly hitting it against the table to make it straight.

"So what up?" I ask. My fingers fiddling with each other. "Well you see, I wanted to know how you'd feel about going on Patrol with us tonight."

Oh no.

He doesn't know that I'm Ladybug...right?

Marinette Cheng-WayneOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz