Chapter 33:- Nobody Touches Her Mate

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"I'mright here, Xavier"

When Selena woke up the next day, she realized she had forgotten to close the curtains. She was woken up but the sunlight on her eyes which head led to an instant headache.

She right away had an idea that this was gonna be a rough day for her. The shower refreshed her only a little bit as the headache was still there. When she entered the dining room for breakfast, the atmosphere around her was quite dark.

Most of the pack members looked at her with anger and contempt, and she understood what was happening. She knew with Damien's exit, something like this would happen, considering how much they all looked up to him.

Whispers came to her ears from people talking about how she was gonna destroy this pack. They thought this was her revenge against them for treating her the way they did.

Selena scoffed mentally on hearing this. Damien and Adriana were the only two people who hadn't mistreated her, and they think she'll throw him out for revenge?

She had just taken a bite of her toast when Ileana walked in and banged her tray on the table. Everybody cringed, considering how sensitive their hearing was.

Ileana glared at everyone, "I have been hearing a lot of rumours since the morning. The fact that my parents left, is completely on them, if they want, they will come back, and if they don't, they won't. So just shut up and go off with your work, stop spreading rumours and hatred or I can promise that you'll be the reason for the fall of this pack."

Everybody turned around and focused on their food as silence prevailed over the pack. Selena knew that Ileana, as the alpha's daughter and the current beta female, had a lot of their respect.

"Remind me never to mess with you girls," Connor said nonchalantly and Ileana shrugged.

"How could you do that, Selena?" A voice interrupted Ileana before she could speak and they found Mathew and Raymond standing in from of them.

Mathew was one of the best warriors, and Raymond was also a trusted individual of Xavier. They knew these two guys were not bad, but at this point, they didn't know how many people Stacy had manipulated to get what she wanted.

"How could you throw alpha Damien out like that?" Raymond, who Selena knew was one of those people who weren't that fond of her, asked her.

"I didn't ask him to leave, I didn't throw him out. Leaving was his wish," she said, her voice filled with authority. Izzy didn't like being spoken to like that and it fueled her anger.

Raymond scoffed, "You are not our alpha. We are not bound to listen to you."

Selena's eyes flickered to Mathew's. The guy came up with Raymond but looked uncomfortable and hasn't said a word.

"Mathew, what do you think?"

Mathew's eyes widened as he hated being the one everyone was waiting to speak, but he didn't give in, "I don't know."

Connor raised his eyebrows questioningly, "You don't know?"

"With all due respect, I was there yesterday, I saw Damien sir leaving, I know you didn't throw him out. But he isn't one to leave his pack just like this, so, I don't know. The rules you brought made sense too. But from my perspective, you could have done a bit more to urge him to not leave yet."

Selena felt a little bit of pride, in knowing that at least someone knew that something was wrong, even though it was a hit to their plan because Stacy might have figured it out too, at least they knew their previous alpha well enough.

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