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I walked out to the quidditch pitch with Blaise, it was a beautiful day, the sun was warm on my face and the warm breeze flowed through my long hair. We walked over to the group and listened to Malfoy's boring instruction and tactics he wanted to try. Finally, we got up into the air, it was very chaotic but I guess it was alright for our first actual practice.

Practice ended and everyone headed back to their dorms. I took a shower and Isla asked if I wanted to go to Hogsmeade with her, having nothing better to do I said yes. We asked Pansy and she said yes then we all went to the Three Broomsticks.

"3 butter beers please," Isla told the waiter. he walked off then Pansy started to talk "So y/n seems you have quite the two admirers," she laughed, I rolled my eyes "Shut up Pansy," I laughed. "She's right you know," Isla said, "they're both really hot you should really date one of them." Isla smiled "And I think it should be Mattheo," Isla smirked. "No no it should def be Jet, you guys are literally made for each other," Pansy replied. I started blushing "if you guys don't stop it I'm literally going to Avada kadavera you right now,". they both started laughing, I stared at them then couldn't help but laugh too. "And plus you guys know that I cant have time for boys I have to finish my task." I said in a more serious tone. "y/n you know that you can do both right? like it's not going to kill anyone," Isla laughed at the end bit. I thought about it, she was right, except I'm probably going to end up hurting one of them. My thought was interrupted when the waiter came over with the butter beers, we each took one and started to drink them.

Isla, Pansy and I talked a bit more while we drank our butter beers (thankfully I got the topic to change from Jet and Mattheo) then after an hour we headed back to the castle and hung out in Pansy's dorm for the rest of the night, Isla and I slept in there and just borrowed some of Pansy's clothes since we didn't feel like going to go get our own.


I woke up the next morning and looked at the clock, it was 7 am, I apperated to my room and went to the bathroom to change, I put on a white button-up shirt and black ripped jeans then I threw my hair in a messy bun and headed to the great hall for breakfast. I was the only one in the hall when I got there, but I preferred it that way. I silently put some french toast on my plate and poured myself some pumpkin juice. The doors to the great hall opened disturbing the quiet, I flinched, It was Jet. I continued eating my breakfast as he sat beside me.

We sat there in silence for a couple of minutes and I finished my breakfast, when I was done I finally looked at him, "Can I help you with someth-," he smashed his lips against mine, I was shocked. The kiss broke then he stared at me for a moment. I don't know what came over me, but I went back in and kissed him again, we started making out when he apperated us to his dorm.

Pureblood - Mattheo Riddle x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now