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Talia Herera

My room looked like a complete mess. Clothes and shoes scattered about everywhere, covering the surface of the ground underneath. I was totally freaking out. The party starts in about an hour and I still had no clue as to what I should wear. Normally, I'd ask my roommate and she'd magically cook up an outfit.

Unfortunately, as much as I wished Sierra was here to coordinate this mess I've made, she's busy working on her fashion homework. Yes, turns out this major does include homework. Something about revolutionary clothes, and industrial strategies; I am clueless as a llama when it comes to that, and I thought molecules and ions were hard.

Lastly, I decided to settle on a sage green form-fitting dress that reached the mid of my thighs. Its color pops out my skin that contrasts and my hair is flowing freely down my back in loose curls.

I strap some high heels on, and put some makeup on because why not, it's not daily that I experiment with makeup, but when I do it's all fun like playing with paint; only the canvas is your own face.

I check myself out in the mirror, guaranteeing everything is good and then head out of my room into Sierra's.

I knock, immediately her groggy 'Come in' sounds and I tug the door open finding her drowning behind notebooks and sketches and all sorts of pens and colors scattered around her.

"Oh my god. Good thing you're here. I don't think I can take it anymore, my head feels like it's about to explode" She confesses tiredly, stretching as she gets up.

"It's fine, in an hour you'll be drunk. Too drunk to even think about this" I offer and she laughs.

"Yeah, good thing I already prepared what I'm going to wear. Now, if you excuse me, I'll go change quickly in the bathroom" She snatches the folded clothes on the bed and hurries off to the bathroom in order to change.

I wait patiently before she emerges dressed in a little tight red dress, the shade bringing out her fiery hair. "Ooh, Felix definitely won't be able to take his hands off of you tonight" I assure her. He's absolutely smitten with her. It's weird, I've never really seen the Felix Fortes simping for someone, but I'm happy for my best friend.

"And I bet Oscar will be making his move tonight. He'd be stupid not to, I mean look at you" She gestures to me and a hopeful smile creeps up my face. "You think so?" I ask.

"Duh. If he doesn't then he's stupid, besides you can always pull the first move. You know, you don't always have to wait for him to come to you first" She lets out while putting mascara on and I give it thought. I've never been the person to put myself out there approaching others. I don't think I have it in me. I don't know, this whole situation with Oscar is confusing.

He acts like he wants me, and my body reacts fervently the same whenever he's near, but he never articulated the words, despite the fact that I made it abundantly clear that if he's not serious then he should stop pursuing me, or leading me on; or whatever situationship we got going on. Ughh, why does my mind have to over-psychoanalyze the shit out of everything?

We leave the apartment with my head running in all directions, as soon as we make it inside the house, the loud music is enough to shut it off for the meantime. We squeeze our way barely through the throngs of people. Most are dancing carelessly, intoxicated while others preferred observing from a distance. The sound of a beer pong game going on in the makeshift living room is loud enough even though the blasting trap music coming from the gigantic speakers and the atmosphere reeked of youth. Typical combination of sweet and alcohol.

We make it into the kitchen, then, here he is. Standing coolly in the corner making conversation with a few guys from the volleyball team.

The moment his eyes land on me a weird feeling flutters in my chest, and suddenly the room is much smaller than it first appeared under the heat of his gaze. He excuses himself from his teammates and meets me halfway near the counter.

"Hey" He says.

"Hey" I say while tucking a strand of hair behind my ears.

"You came" He concludes, making me nod my head in affirmation "I came" I repeat. Then, his eyes take a drag at my silhouette and I start knit picking everything wrong with my outfit mentally. Hopefully, I would pass.

"You look good" He compliments and I'm sure I turned into a tomato at the words. "Thanks, you look really good, too" I mentally cringe at how that sounded. But, in all honesty, he really did look good.

Black jeans, a fitted t-shirt were enough to make him saunter around the place like a greek god. How in the world is it fair to the rest of humanity. He wasn't even trying, he still slayed. I look up into his eyes and a few moments pass with both of us lost in the mazes of our eyes, the party and all the people around us completely forgotten; blurred back into the background.

"Want a beer?" He questions and I mutter a quick 'Sure', he opens the fridge, pulling out a chilled beer and passes it over to me. His fingers brush mine in the process and I feel the burn, despite the cool I can still get burnt at his flutter of a touch.

How am I going to survive this evening, I don't know for sure. But chugging some beer down into my system sure as hell is a step closer.


Partay. Partay.

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