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Like in books and movies you wake up at birds chirping, but just to my luck I've always been woken up at yelling.

Even now, there are multiple voices yelling and no, not angry ones these were the 'gaming's yelling.

"Yo, I passed another mission of call of duty. ANDDDDD it was extremely hard man-"

And some more shitz.

I tried to fall asleep again, but to my luck someone screamed. "What the hell, Alle, why are you sleeping here?"

I turned towards the source with squinting eyes. "Why? Is it not allowed?" Let me tell you, don't talk with me in the morning, especially this early. It's only 7:35.

Marco narrowed his eyes at me. "I just fell asleep here." Someone laughed. No doubt Matteo. "You watch Doraemon? and last time I checked you were sleeping in your room, how come you are here?"

Sometimes I feel like Matteo is younger than Rocco and Marco.

"What do you want me to watch? p^rn?" I rolled over and laid on my back. My voice soft and extremely low. I was rewarded with multiple glares. "Leo wont appreciate it thou." Matteo retaliate.

"If you are volunteering, Leo is no problem." I smirked, and Matteo returned one of his own which was soon turned into a shock-to-grimace. I looked  back to see Antonio and Leo standing on the staircase listening to our conversation. I quickly jumped up on my feet; "Just kidding brother." 

Self defense, people, self  defense.

"It was not appreciated Alle. And Matt you are grounded for a week." Antonio said, or rather commanded.

I smirked over at Matteo. "Aw, you still wanna watch it?" I mouthed him, cant stop grinning.

"Alle, pack your remaining things we are leaving in few hours." Where?

"Um, where?" Leo turned to look at me, oh god people with dark hair scare me, like come on they look like  they would eat you any minute!

"To Italy." He said left for kitchen. I quickly rushed to his side, panting.

"Waitt." I quickly grabbed his palm, and took few breaths to clam my racing heart.

I know, pretty unfit. Don't mention it.

For a second his body went stiff, but he recoverd quickly, and hold my hand back, tightly, without me realizing it.

"You guys live in Italy?"

"Yes, and so you will."

"Okay. So is it just us?"

"No, we live with all of our cousins from dad's side, along with our grand parents."

"We even have grandparents?"

"Yes, and they are very eager to meet you."

I nodded, still processing the new info. Just as I entered the kitchen, Mia came over at me and kissed my forehead.

"Good morning, Mia." I smiled.

"Good morning to you too, Allegra." She greeted back.

"Come on, sit down, what would you like for breakfast."

She placed a plate of pancakes, stack of pancakes.

"Um, I can't eat this. I'm allergic to pancakes and waffles."

"Oh, then what would you like to eat?"

I picked up 2 bananas and an apple. "That's enough for me, I guess."

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