Chapter Eight: Grey Area

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After trash-talking with that psychopath, Jisoo got fully motivated to find out the assailant and also prove that Taehyung or V murdered that narcissist. She's absolutely driven to fulfill her secret mission. But in dealing with this mission, she also has to keep herself safe. Psychopaths or accomplices of Byun Baekhyun might try to assassinate her and she'd end up dead without even avenging the rude red and herself from that jerk!

She doesn't care if they assassinate her. But at least not today and before she proves that their wrong allegations. Jisoo went to sit beside Jimin at the cafeteria. "So, I was quite curious about the name of the girl who's an anti-Machiavellian zealot. Do you know who she is?"

"Jung Jessica. Really narcissistic! You can tell from her bright shiny diamond heels up to her impeccable hair." Jimin scoffed. "She's a confirmed hyena! Gossip here and there~ Bullies the ones she thinks she can~" Jimin added.

"Does she have a close friend?" Jisoo continued to ask. Jimin suddenly gave her a doubtful look. Jisoo sighed. "I feel...quite a bit remorseful for her death. And I am not in good terms with her murderer, to be honest."

"You mean, Taehyung? I think that's a bad gambit to play." Jimin grimaced. "And you shoul better keep your hands off with dirty blood." He said. "You don't want to get involved that's for sure."

"Really? Because the rest of the psychopaths think that I'm heavily involved because I killed Baekhyun and that Taehyung's saying that I killed both, Baekhyun and Jessica." Jisoo sighed. "So, please Jimin. I need your cooperation by sharing me the knowledge you know about Jessica. Any friends that you saw Jessica with?"

"Friends? None. Siblings? there's one." Jimin answered. "Jung Kaleb. A psychopath." He said. "I know that it's kind of weird to have siblings separated in different houses. But can you blame their dark DNA?" Jimin added. "Jessica's sort of a daddy's girl. They're both narcissistic and proud of their every simple accomplishment. I heard they've took over the family business of maple syrup and also lives in their ancestral house, the so-called, 'Thornhill Palace', along with Kaleb and their mother."

"What about her brother Kaleb? How is he similar to, I suppose." Jisoo asked.

Jimin sighed. "Well, I heard that their mom's a complete psycho and also suffers OCD. They said that the Jung siblings were controlled when it comes to keeping their rooms clean, everything single thing aligned, and putting all their personal stuff in a neat and elegant-looking combination." He leaned to whisper. "It may seem as if she's an average psychopath, but not until she murdered Mr. Jung."

"What?" Jisoo gasped.

"Yup. And after she murdered the father of her children right in front of them, with an ax, she took over the business and raised and manipulated the siblings based on her own liking and plans to keep and gain more wealth. Not until Jessica confronted and threatened her mother that she'd report her to the police."

Jisoo scoffed. "I assume her mother wasn't gonna let that happen."

"Your assumption is correct. Then, her mother called a home for mentally unstable youths which she believes is located in Switzerland. His brother Kaleb, sided with his sister so their mother, without thinking twice threw them off. But, they say that, that ward is actually fake and was a pawn of Lady Park to bring the Jung siblings to Paragon High."

"Why didn't the siblings resist from being taken by Lady Park? I mean, if they were gonna expose all of their mom's diabolic crime, it'll be more convenient if they just lived out of here."

"Kidnapping. Remember?" Jimin raised his eyebrow.

"Oh, right~ That was stupid of me. But mind to ask, how the heck do you know all of this?" She asked.

"Rumors." Jimin cooed.

"So what you've been telling me weren't true?" Jisoo groaned out of frustration.

"They're not lies." Jimin added. "They're like truths that are not lies. It's like in the middle of a lie and a fact. But 95% of rumors are proved to be true."

"And everything you've told me must've belonged to the remaining 5%." Jisoo sighed. "What if it's not true- Okay. You know what? It's not of your problem~ It's mine. Thanks a lot Jimin!" Jisoo said and picked up her notebook.

"Your welcome Nancy Drew~" Jimin cooed teasingly at Jisoo. Jisoo just chuckled and then put up a straight face as she commenced with her mission.

"Commencing, Mission Impossible." Jisoo rolled her eyes.


First stop: The Psychopaths' dungeons. The Machiavellian made a promise to herself that if she ever gets caught by a psychopath except Jessica's sibling, Jung Kaleb, she'd retreat her mission before she gets eviscerated by the psychopaths! All she needed was Kaleb's testimony! And also to find someone who'd side her.

Jisoo didn't need to put on a psychopath uniform. She just needed to know the password and then direct her plan. She peeked by the wall and saw one psychopath student entering. "Password?"

"Elizabeth Bathory." She said and the guard let her enter.

Jisoo took off her jacket and used it's black insides to cover her green skirt. She confidently went in front of the entrance. "Password?" The guard asked her.

Jisoo smirked. "Elizabeth Bathory." She exclaimed. The guard opened the door for her. Jisoo squealed in the inside at a mere accomplishment. She swiped her way to the dorms and looked for a possible information that could lead her to Kaleb's room. And thankfully, she saw a boy that looked exactly like Jessica.

'All I need to do is have a chit-chat with you.' Jisoo said to herself. She walked up to the boy. "Didn't your sister get murdered ?" She asked him vaguely.

Kaleb glanced at Jisoo. "Yeah. So? What's your deal with me Machiavellian?"

"Wait. You know?"

"I'm not stupid. If you've come to ask me about Jessica, not gonna happen because I've got nothing to spill. Besides, you saw how she died."

"Any acquaintance of Jessica that you're aware about?" Jisoo blocked him.

"Her boyfriend. Byun Baekhyun. You can call out a seance if your desperate. And our dearest couz at the schizos' Jung Hoseok." He gave a dark smirk and left Jisoo.

Jisoo sighed and turned to get the hell out of the dungeons but a group of psychopaths blocked the way out. Jisoo gulped and nervously walked deeper though their territory.

She avoided every possible psycho on the way. Jisoo tip toed once again to avoid a large gang huddled in one place but saw a few more of the psychos in every hallway. North, South, East, and West. All ways were blocked.

Until a hand pulled her as if she's a dog on a leash. "AH-" Jisoo screamed in shock but the boy covered her mouth until they got in his room. "The hell!?" Jisoo widened her eyes.

"'The hell?' I just saved your life you idiot." Taehyung said as he locked the door.

Paragon HighOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora