Chapter 22

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Morning comes much too soon, and Owen and I get ready in somber silence. He places kisses on me whenever possible and I soak up every ounce of his affection. I stare at my closet for awhile dumbfounded. What does one wear to a massacre? I decided on comfortable clothes that allow me plenty of movement. I guess werewolves don’t need to worry about battlefield fashion, since they’ll be in wolf form.

Owen holds my hand as we walk down the stairs, meeting Liam in the kitchen who gives us both a tight smile as we all try to choke down something to eat.

“Eat, love. You’ll need the energy.” Owen says, urging me to finish my yogurt. I bring some extra water bottles in the car and sip it slowly as Owen drives us to the coven. He holds my hand and squeezes it occasionally.

“When we get there, I want you to stay close to me.” He says quietly, as if Liam sitting in the backseat of the black SUV couldn’t hear us. I shake my head and look over at him.

“No. I would be a distraction. You won’t be able to take your eyes off of me, or me you. It’s safer if we split up.” Owen doesn’t like this idea; I can tell by the way his jaw clenches and his hand tightens in mine.

“She’s right, Owen.” Liam says from the backseat and Owen shoots him a glare, making him lower his head in submission. Owen sighs deeply and I rub my thumb along his knuckles, trying to soothe him.

“Fine. But you stay with Liam. Understood?” He asks firmly and I nod.

“Don’t worry, baby. I’ll protect your little brother.” I say cheekily making him throw me a tight smile as Liam scoffs from the backseat.

“Please, Grace. You know I’m the… Actually no, you’re right. You’re way more bad ass than me.” He says making us all crack smiles and chuckle quietly.

We continue in silence until we get about ten miles out from the coven. We decide to pull off the road and park, our little motorcade creating a grouping of SUVs as the wolves pour out of the vehicles. I can feel the energy radiating off of them. The feral desire to rip their enemy apart, the need to protect their pack. They’re all bouncing, shaking out their limbs and stretching as they prepare for battle. They all strip until they are in nothing but their boxers and I can’t help the blush that flushes my cheeks. Owen catches sight of this and smirks, getting fully naked as I’m the only woman and, well, it’s nothing I’ve never seen before.

“Come here, love.” He says opening his arms for me. It’s awkward embracing him in front of the other warriors while he’s naked, but I look around and no one is paying us any attention. I wrap my arms around his waist, and he pulls me in tight, sucking in my scent like he needs it to live.

“I need you to be careful.” He murmurs quietly to me and I look up into his beautiful ocean eyes. I can see fear plain as day and it worries me. It’s something I’ve never seen from him. I reach up to cup his face and he closes his eyes as the sparks of our bond work to soothe him.

“I will be. I promise. You need to be careful too.” I say firmly and he smiles at me.

“Of course, love. I promise.” He whispers against my lips before pressing his to mine. I open for him immediately, basking in the feeling of his closeness, allowing the tingles that travel over my body to calm and center me, focusing me for what is about to happen. Owen pulls away reluctantly and groans a little, using my body to hide his semi erect cock from the pack. I giggle at him and he narrows his eyes in a playful admonishment before pulling away.

“Shift and follow me!” He calls to his pack. In the next moment I’m surrounded by giant wolves. Owen gives me one last hug before pulling back to look at me, tucking a stray strand of hair that escaped from my pony tail behind my ear.

“Stay with Liam, love. Then find me right after. Ok?” He asks and I nod, trying to keep my emotions from coming to the surface. Crying in front of the warriors would not help me build the bad ass Luna reputation I'm working for. Owen sighs and leans his head down, resting his forehead on mine.

“I know, baby. But it’ll be ok.” He murmurs quietly and I nod before kissing him one last time. He shifts as I climb up on Liam. I slip my fingers into his soft fur, but it doesn’t feel like Owen does.

Owen motions with his large head for the wolves to follow him. He leads the pack with Liam right behind him. We run for a while, but I can tell when we get close. They all become silent with their paws, I actually have to look behind me to make sure they’re still there. They begin to fan out so we can circle the coven and attack from all sides.

Once we come upon the small houses where the vampires stay, I notice a guard walking around. I furrow my brow in confusion, since he is out in broad daylight. My eyes flit over him, and I see a bracelet on his wrist.

‘He has an amulet. It protects him from the sun.’ I mind link the pack to warn them. It makes me nervous, because it means witches are helping them. I can't help but wonder what other enchantments there might be protecting this place. I refocus on the guard and I freeze him so a warrior can take him out quietly. I see a few more guards as the warriors continue to circle the coven. I freeze them all and they are dispatched of quickly.

‘Excellent job, love.’ I hear Owen’s voice, but I can’t see him. I get concerned for a moment, but reach out to our bond and feel him. He sends me some calming vibes and my grip on Liam’s fur loosens.

‘Geez, Luna. I’m gonna be bald by the end of this.’ Liam links me and I roll my eyes at him.

'Everyone ready?' Owen asks through the link and there is a chorus of agreements.

I lower myself from Liam's back, prepared to levitate. The next moment there is a powerful howl from the other side of the coven.

Owen's wolf has come out to play.

I can feel the dominance rolling over the coven as the wolves struggle not to submit. I'm his mate and not even a wolf and it's still difficult for me. As soon as Owen's howl fades, a low hiss takes it's place. It grows stronger until I feel the buzz of it through my body. The vampires are aware of our presence.

And they won't go down easily.

As if choreographed, every door opens and vampires begin to spill out, some screaming at the feel of the sun on their pale, putrid skin. Others wearing amulets to protect themselves from the rays, baring their fangs in warning as they prepare for the attack they know is coming.

With another loud howl, Owen gives the signal to attack. One after the other wolves pounce into the fray. I kick off hard from the ground and hover above the scene.

I look down and gasp at the sight. I've never seen anything like it. Fear grips me and I'm nearly paralyzed.

It's pure choas.

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