52 🌙 So much worse

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Jules Martin

I was looking for her. Everywhere. She wasn't in the stands, not at an entrance. I couldn't see her beautiful face anywhere, and it made my chest clench with an ominous feeling. This time she wasn't the distraction, in fact I needed the game to distract me from the thought of her. From the worry in my chest to the lump in my throat.

My eyes on the puck while I blazed across the ice, wanted to wander off and look for her every fucking second of this boring game, but I couldn't. There were some pretty important people watching, some NHL officials and now was not the time to disappoint them. But were they really as important as Luna? I wasn't so sure about that.

"Lee, do you see them?" I called for him when the rest of the team took care of the defense, Ezzy getting hit from all sides, but nothing stopping him from stopping them.

"No! Nowhere!" He shook his head, the dread on his face clear as day. "The hell." He shrugged brutally.

"I can't fucking focus." I shook, keeping my eyes on the puck on the other side, while my head was someplace else. What if something happened?

"Me neither. This doesn't sit right with me." He frowned, looking into the stands to see a glimpse of Grace.

"What if something happened?" I said it out loud and that made it feel so damn real I wanted to take it back.

"Don't say that shit Jules." Levi shook, the same unease in his eyes as I felt deep down in my gut. I can't shake the feeling something did happen to them. The thought of it was making me lightheaded, so absentminded I did even see the bruiser from the other team come right at me when the puck shot across the ice towards Lee and I. His shoulder slamming into mine wiped me out and knocked the air out of me, but nothing compared to the thought of Luna being in some sort of trouble.

The referee finally called in half time, and I couldn't be off the ice fast enough. I need to call her. I need to know if she's okay. If they are okay. "Where the hell are they!? I can't see them anywhere!" Ezra gritted through his teeth while walking next to me to the locker room, taking his helmet off.

"Don't k-know!" I shook. "I d-d-don't know." I said again, my throat pinching shut the second I thought about the icy roads. I gave Ezra another worried look while taking off my helmet too, sighing deeply, as if I couldn't breathe anymore. I couldn't, the thought of anything happening to her sucked the air out of me like the worst kind of torture.

"Hey, hey. Don't lose your shit okay. They're probably late or weren't able to get in anymore. They'll be there after half time." He tried to reassure me with lies he didn't even believe, his hand comfortingly patting my shoulder. "Don't worry."

"I'm worried sick." Levi muttered, frowning once more and he looked like a mess, I looked like a mess, even Ezra looked like mess. "I'm gonna check my phone." He muttered while he fast paced to his bag in the locker room. I did so too, checking if I had any word from her. Anything. Nothing. Nothing at all.

"Nada." Levi shook, throwing more worry at me, as if I wasn't already drowning in it. He was just as desperate for a little of anything as I was.

"Me neither." My hands were trembling now, the uneased feeling in my stomach making me lose my mind. "Not even a text." I panicked. This is not okay. Maybe she's not okay. Luna, where the hell are you? "Ez?" I called oud for him, the second he grabbed his phone from his jacket. Both Levi and I watched his mouth fall in awe and his eyes widen at the little screen. Oh shit, that's nothing good. "Ezra!" I panicked when he seemed frozen in place, not a single reassuring emotion on his face.

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