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IT WAS NOW THE FINAL DAY OF THE OKINAWA TRIP, the girls were supposed to be meeting up with the guys however they got delayed as Chisato hurriedly ran into a a sweet shop and managed to select nearly every item and try samples, the two girls who held feelings for Saiki stood there impatiently waiting for her to finish. Keiko hoped that Chisato took as long as possible, she didn't really feel like being near Saiki and the two other girls in the same place.

Chisato happily munched on the samples "Chinsuko is so good!"

Teruhashi stomped her foot "Let's go already!" she whined, acting like a spoiled brat.

"You can't just go into every store that offers free samples!" Yumehara added now waving her arms about.

"It seems like sampling food is all she's doing on this trip." Teruhashi said.

"We are going to lose the guys at this rate!" Yumehara sweat dropped.

Keiko rolled her eyes, "Since you two are so desperate to catch up with them, I'll stay with Chisato, I'm not really too bothered about what we do so you two go ahead."

Teruhashi tutted "No I'll stay too. You go ahead, Yumehara. I think Kaidou is still around here somewhere."

Yumehara's expression went from calm to insane in seconds, her checks flushed and her eyes had widened like a bugs "What?" he face became even more red as she started to sweat. "Why Kaidou?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought that you might of liked Kaidou." she teased the poor girl.

'She must think she's funny saying stuff like that, I guess I'll just give her a taste of her own medicine, although me and Yumehara aren't getting along, I would never want her to feel embarrassed.' Keiko crossed her arms, giving the blue haired girl a small glare, she thought about what her mother said about Teruhashi having feelings for Saiki.

"Teruhashi, can I talk to you for a second? Alone." Keiko said calmly, Teruhashi turned her way giving her a confused look but responded with a yes. The two girls walked off alone where no one was around them.

"What did you want to talk about Mochizuki?" she asked in a fake innocent voice, not forgetting to put empathizes on the girls name.

Keiko gave her an emotionless smile "I know about your feelings for Saiki Teruhashi." the girls eyes widened before she could speak Keiko sent her a glare "No, you listen to me and don't speak. Since the moment I became friends with Saiki you seem to have an issue with me being around him, I want to inform you that Saiki is my friend and I can be around him without worrying about your pettiness. I really don't care if you dislike me because I really don't like you either, especially your fakeness. Usually I want to try and get along with everyone but I can see right through you and if everyone found out what you were really like, they'll end up turning away from you. At the beach yesterday when you were flaunting to everyone, your friend Yumehara sat there shy and embarrassed, I could see she was insecure of her body and when she defended you from those guys you didn't even step in to defend her, Kaidou did. If your going to pretend to be a good person, at least try and act like it." and with that Keiko gave the shocked and silent girl one last look before turning away and walking off, leaving Teruhashi with not knowing what to say for the first time.

Keiko Mochizuki | S. KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now