Chapter Twenty One

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I climbed up the stairs of my apartment complex as Aster followed behind me

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I climbed up the stairs of my apartment complex as Aster followed behind me. I hadn't expected that he would ever get to see my home, my own safe place. It felt weird walking, talking and even seeing Aster somewhere other than his cabin.

I walked down the long hallway until I finally reached the door to my apartment and then I stopped and took a deep breath. I didn't know why I was so nervous of him seeing it.

"Darling?" Aster asked when I didn't make a move to open the door.

"I don't have my keys." I mumbled as I realized I left my jacket back in the warehouse.

Not only did it have my keys but my phone too.

"Oh.. I can pick the lock." Aster said and I moved aside to let him do it but before he could even touch the doorknob the door opened itself and he jumped back, startled.

I moved to see who had opened the door with a racing heart but when I saw my best friend standing in the threshold of my home a gigantic smile broke on my face and I threw my arms around her.

"Carmen." I breathed out. "You're back."

"Christ, Hyacinth." She muttered as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. "I was so worried last night when you didn't come home. I've been calling you all night, where the hell were you?"

I pulled away from her and she started checking me for injuries before she looked behind me and her eyebrows raised in suspicion as she looked at Aster.

"Is that the guy you went on a date with before I left? What was his name again? Rocky?" She mused and I shuddered at his reminder as Aster's jaw clenched.

"No no, that's not Roger." I said with a frantic shake of my head. 

"Damn Hyacinth, you already found yourself another man? Why didn't you tell me when I called you!" She grinned as she pulled me inside the house and motioned for Aster to follow which he hesitantly did.

"I have so much to tell you." I told her.

"Dar-um Hyacinth." Aster called out to me and I turned to stare at him. "Can we talk?"

"Alright just give me a second." I told him. "Can you wait in my room?"

I pointed out the door that led to my bedroom and he nodded his head as he walked towards it. Once he shut the door behind him I turned to Carmen with a sheepish smile.


"Hi." She said back with a chuckle and pulled me to sit next to her on the couch.

"Are you okay?" She asked worriedly and I gave her a small smile.

"Depends on what okay means right now." I told her and she frowned.

"Did he hurt you?" She asked. "This guy. Or that Roger guy."

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