6. Innocent (NSFW)

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He grabbed my shoulders and guided me, putting me down on top of him, with my legs on either side of his thighs. The heat from the mere proximity to him almost made me reel with newly awakened lust and my breath hitched when he placed his hands on my hips.

"Good," he praised. "Look at me."

I met his sapphire eyes, looked at the gleaming irises and those black widened pupils. Something dark was glowing deep inside them. I slowly caught my breath.

"Do you feel that you're still in control?" he said in a low voice and held my gaze.

Not a chance in hell.

"Yeah, I do."

Why was I lying? No idea. But my mind was starting to lose it, his mere presence made my head spin. Ash grabbed my chin firmly and bent my face down to his and I gasped at the unexpected motion.

"Do you get off on me doing this to you?" he purred and held my chin between his index finger and thumb.

"I... I d-don't know," I stuttered, and I could not for the life of me understand why I was still lying.

My body was screaming with desire, but I couldn't admit it for some reason, even though I was sure he could see it in my face. Ash leaned towards me and slowly licked the curvature of my collarbone, sending waves of heated pleasure throughout me and my breathing got heavier.

"You don't know?" he whispered and looked up at me again. "I think you do."

His thumb left my chin and went up towards my mouth, my lower lip and gently he pressed it inside my half open mouth. He hooked it over my lower teeth, so he had a firm grip on my jaw and then he gave me a wicked smile. My cock had become almost painfully hard now, pressing against the fabric of my jeans and I heard myself let out a quiet whimper. Why was I getting so god damn turned on by the way he touched me? But who cared? This was all too spine-tingling to even analyze, what he did to me just made me crazy horny.

"Are you still in control?" Ash moved his other hand from my hip and stroked my erection over my jeans, I groaned aloud as I shook my head. "Didn't think so."

He loosened the grip on my jaw and placed both his hands on my shoulders.

"Now, what do you want me to do with you, Jamie?"

"Kiss me," I panted and in the next second he had me in a crushing embrace, invading my mouth with his tongue.

I reeled and dug my fingers into his hair, feeling him pressing my body to him, making my cock grind against his stomach and his own erection pressed to my groin. The kiss deepened and he explored every inch of my mouth, gliding the ball of his piercing over my palate and I was hardly getting any air anymore. But I didn't care, my body was on fire. Ash groaned and ended the kiss finally, his eyes teeming with lust. He gripped my sweater and gave me a serious look.

"I want to see your tattoos," he said, voice thick with desire. "I know I said we'd take it easy but need to fucking see you."

His beckoning plea made all that initial uneasiness towards getting undressed in front of another man just melt away. The only thing left was the realization that I wanted to see him too. I need to see him. All of him. Feel his naked skin against mine.

"Only if I can see yours," I managed to answer.

He practically tore off his t-shirt and continued helping me take off my own sweater until we sat there facing each other, bare chested. My eyes were drawn to his sculpted pecs with the toned muscles playing under the skin as he lifted his hand and caressed my chest slowly. His soft touch made me gasp. The feel of his strong hands on my body. For the first time in my adult life, I felt small without being uneasy about it. I felt small under his touch, and I liked it.

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