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The few minutes, it took seemed forever..
Be ok, be ok... I told myself..

I took the phone, as soon as I got the call from Gautham

Sree: yes???

Gautham : He picked the phone Devi, he is fine, he is at his house,.. His voice seemed different though

Sree : ok.. Thank god, thank you so much!

Gautham : Devi, you are obviously concerned about him, ..

Sree: So? I know where you are getting at  Gautham.. I'm so tired, we have a big day tomorrow, goodnight

Gautham: Good night Devi

The next morning, we got ready and went to the place..
There were many speeches.

I was seated, Gautham was next to me and Raya was near him..

I looked at her..

" Did you change your hairstyle or something, looking different ", I said to her

" No.. Just the usual, have to impress potential investors", she said

Gautham rolled his eyes..

I knew I had to see him today, or would he have excused himself..

No.. He didn't.. I spotted him in the front rows,..

They had a short interview session with 3 entrepreneurs and Vikram was called upon..

I held the seat handle tightly..

His smile didn't reach his eyes as it always did..
He always had that air of authority, which seemed missing today..

He had dark circles under his eyes..
I can't see this!

He shook the hands of the interviewer

"So.. Vikram.. We have talked in detail before", she said

He tried smiling..

" How are you doing, you don't seem so good as yesterday ", she said

" Well, I wasn't well, nothing much fine now", he said

I gasped..

"Hmm.. Wow in spite of not being well you chose to be here, shows your commitment", she said

"Now.. Let's begin shall we, you must have gotten used to the usual stuff, so I've tried preparing a few, after I ask Vikram, I'll come to you both", she said.. To the other 2 men..

She asked some questions, he answered nonchalantly..
The way he answered seemed mechanical..

" So.. How  do you manage your personal life.. With professional "she asked in some time

He was silent..

" Umm.. I'm the wrong person to be asked that to", he said.

There were gasps from the audience..

" Anyways I'm better at it than before,
Your work takes up a lot of your time, what some entrepreneurs should understand, is it's your family that comes first", he said

The interviewer then asked questions to the others too..

It was over in some time..

We were happy, to be one of the 5 start ups selected as the best.

" We did it", Gautham said

"We'll allow you to pitch to angel investors, if they like it, they can fund your business..

Accidental AttachmentOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora