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Being the first born of the family
isn't easy is it?
being looked up to
and being expected to do stuff
all the time, not easy at all

Facing problems and difficulties
and the reality is just
too much to handle is it?
yet you are expected to be
perfect and to live up to their expectations

Being a role model to young ones
picking the biggest meat
getting the largest amount of money
yet if we fight with our siblings
in yoruba land you are considered agbaya

Tolerating so much and seeing
so much at a very young age
living your life, being you
and making your dreams a reality
making your own decisions

Is it too much to ask for?
but still they say you are too small
too young,to make your own decisions in life ,they say you think
you are smart and wise

But yet they are not willing
to take family and their marriages
Seriously they all think it's a
joke and feel they can do
whatever they like when ever they like

But still we keep our cool
and pretend everything
is alright as if nothing
happened yet they try
to make our lives a
nightmare why why why

Why is it so?
'can't some decisions in life
be well taught of
yet we are the first born
and role models trying to
live up to their expectations

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