Tests of Courage and Green Eyes

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The second day of training was even more hellish than the first.  With the exhaustion of yesterday's training added on top of my current exhaustion, I almost passed out at least three times, each time just barely managing to come to and catch myself with another platform.  Even worse yet, Aizawa only kept upping the amount of time I would have to stand out there like that.  It was actually insane how quickly I was progressing, though.  After only two days, I was up to 46 minutes -- a time that was double what I had originally thought myself capable of.  Say what you will about his cruel and unusual teaching techniques, Shota Aizawa was nothing if not effective.

I trudged over to the tables set up outside with the same low enthusiasm as yesterday.  My classmates, who were focusing on their strength rather than their stamina, were able to recover much more quickly than me, so I was pretty much the only one about to fall asleep in the bowl of vegetables that I had been tasked with preparing.

"(Y/N), could I request your assistance?" I gasped and bolted upright.  Ok, apparently I wasn't just close to falling asleep; I had actually faceplanted into the pile of chopped up carrots.  I shook my head in order to revive myself if only a little bit, and turned to face Iida, who was standing by the sinks.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked casually as I made my way over.

"It would be much more efficient if we could wash the food and fill the pots all at once," he explained, gesturing widely at the row of sinks.  "Would you please use your quirk to assist us in doing so?"

I groaned softly and ducked my head at the idea of using my quirk again.  Iida immediately started trying to apologize, but I held up a hand to cut him off.  "It's fine, you weren't asking anything crazy.  I'm just a little tired is all," I sent him a slight smile in an effort to convince him of such before twisting the handles on all of the sinks.  Once the water was flowing, I redirected it through the air so that it showered gently over all of the fruits and vegetables currently being prepared by the others before using the rest to fill the pots just a bit over halfway.  I let out a soft sigh of relief once I was finally able to drop my control, my muscles weighing down even further than they already had been and sleep once again tugging at my eyelids.

Soon enough, we were able to sit down and start eating.  I began stuffing my face full with as much food as I could.  I couldn't enjoy it for very long, though, as soon enough, the food was gone, and I had to use my quirk again to assist in rinsing off all of the dishes.  Thankfully, I had regained a bit of my energy, so it wasn't as bad as before dinner.  Still, once they were all finished, I quickly made my way over to the table to gain a few precious moments of rest with my head placed firmly in my arms.

"You coming or not, puddle bitch?" Bakugou pulled me from my trance before I even got a chance to fully succumb to it.

"What are you talking about?" I groaned, lifting my head just slightly to look up at him.

"Weren't you listening at all?" He scoffed.  "The blonde chick even said it during training and everything.  It's a test of courage.  Now, come on."

My eyes widened, and my head shot up.  My stupid memory wasn't able to pick out which day the attack was, so I hadn't thought much on it, choosing to only worry when I heard Pixie-bob announce it.  I was on that damn cliff all throughout training, though, so of course I didn't hear her, and I'd let my guard down as a result.  And now I was stuck going into the forest with the rest of 1-A.  And the worst part of it all, I had no idea if I'd messed up the teams orders.  Momo needed to be in the exact right place in order to make gas masks, and if she wasn't, then a lot more people would fall victim to this attack.

My heart pounding in my chest, I walked towards Pixie-bob, glancing around fleetingly at the teams around my as I desperately tried to recall who had been paired with who.  I remembered that Uraraka and Tsu had been together, and that didn't seem to have changed, which was good.  Still, I couldn't help but be scared.  I had a bad habit of changing things about this place, after all.

The Ocean: BNHA x OP!ReaderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora