Chapter 16.5: Dreams pt. 2

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Trigger Warnings! Hints towards sexual abuse (not gone into explicit detail) and the killing of other humans. If you can't read this chapter, I understand, and it is not an important part of the plot, so feel free to skip it! I also wrote a short summary down near the author's note for those who are curious. Please don't read if it will upset you! Please stay safe!

Approximately 12 years ago

Caiden; age: 10

Maybe this one is better. I thought. I stood up, my right hand clenching and unclenching as I took a few steps back to stare down at my masterpiece. The edges of the paper curled up slightly from the brown paint I had used to recreate the bookshelf and flooring of Romand's room. The background of the painting itself isn't that beautiful, in fact, it was quite dull and muddled, briefly being flung together in order to create an image that would draw your attention towards the main piece of the project. There, slightly off-centered from the middle stood a figure, his back turned towards the painter and holding a book, reaching for a shelf that was slightly higher than him. His hair was a bright white/silver that stood out amongst the muddled mess and created an image that shimmered and drew the eye towards it. It was my recreating of Alan as he was when I met him. Due to his attitude of being aloof and stoic, I found it difficult to accurately portray an image of him, so I thought painting him from the back would be better.

But, still not good enough. I sighed and flopped back down on the chair, leaning lazily against the back as I stared up at the ceiling. If I want to give him something, it should be better than this. But what? I sighed once more, my mind still racing to come up with ideas when a knock sounded on my door. I turned just as the door opened to show my maid, her head bowed in servitude as she came through and the doors shut behind her.

"Pardon me for the intrusion, First Prince Caiden, but your mother is–" just then, my door swung open, causing Alexa, my maid, to stumble forward quickly in shock so she wasn't hit in the back. My mother's worried face came forth, her pink hair shining as she dashed over to me at my desk. My heart pounded as she approached, and my hands franticly went to cover up my drawing just as soon as she reached me. Her breath was slightly erratic as she gripped my face in her hands, turning my head side to side as her eyes danced around me.

"Are you alright, my darling?" she fretted, "I heard you didn't eat dinner. What happened?" I sighed again, letting her do her nervous worrying as I spoke.

"I'm fine, mother. I just lost track of time is all." My mother let out a sigh of relief, then tensed up once more as she glanced over at my desk. I glanced over at my desk and sighed once more. To cover up my painting, I had randomly placed my work and textbooks that I was required to do for homework. I didn't finish any of the homework that I was supposed to do from my classes today; but from the way it looks to my mother, I had been too busy working and studying to be able to eat dinner. This was a problem. "Mother, it's not–"

"I knew it, you've been working too hard. May –maybe I should listen to The King and have you..." she trailed off; her eyes unfocused as she thought about whatever was on her mind.

"What did His Majesty want?" I asked, puzzled, and slightly nervous. My father was not the most easy-going man. My mother blinked a few times before she heard my question, a worried smile spreading across her face as she shook her head.

"It's nothing, my dear. Would you like to take a walk, to the garden?" I frowned, unnerved at her response. My mother had always been a little strange, and very overprotective. I can't count the number of times she has tried to keep me from doing my duties or has invaded my privacy all in the name of "protection". It has caused me to feel like I didn't have my own life outside of what she ran for me.

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