Chapter 19

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"Oh my, uhm Columbia basin hospital okay." Mason stuttered into his phone as Riley looked at him longingly
"Whats with the hospital?" Ryan asked as Riley rested her head on his shoulder

"Lia is at the hospital. I have to go." He said hastily walking out of the house with the Smiths in toe

On the way to the hospital he called Mauricio

On the phone

"What do you want Mason?" Mauricio asked angrily "uhm Lia is at the hospital." Mason said "There a lot of hospitals in Washington, which one?" He replied coldly making Mason flinch

"Oh yeah the Columbia Basin hospital." He said hastily making Mauricio chuckle "When I get to the hospital you better not be there." Mauricio seethed and hang up

End of phone call

"He really doesnt like you." Riley remarked when Mason dropped the phone
"Yeah thanks for helping me notice." Mason said with an eye roll continuing the drive to the hospital

"Well you cant blame him." Ryan chimed in "you cheated on his Daughter and YOUR father and YOUR wife are the reason we are even driving to the hospital in the first place, admit it everything bad that has happened to Lia is because of her connection to you." He scoffed "I would fake my death too if I were her." He said with venom lacing is voice

"Okay Ryan I freaking get it no need to rub it in." Mason said increasing the speed.

"And one more thing, When Mauricio gets to the hospital he better not see you there that won't end well." Ryan concluded "I'm afraid I cant listen to Mauricio this time." Mason said as the pulled into the hospital parking lot and bolted out of the car.

Inside the hospital

"Hi, I'm here for Lia Cruz, she is my wife." Mason said to the receptionist "Lia Cruz, Room 110 second floor." She replied with a smile "Okay, Thank you." He said walking towards the elevator hurriedly pressing the button to the second floor

"Well here goes nothing." He murmured to himself as the elevator doors opened

Making his way to Lia's room he started wondering how bad her condition was? Where was she? How did she escape? Most importantly will she survive this?

He shook his head, deciding to go inside her room "Excuse me, which way is room 110?" He asked a nurse " Straight ahead." She politely responded " Thank you." He continued his stride to her room, slowly walking in to an unconscious Lia.

Her torso was bandaged, she had another bandage on her head indicating a head injury with bruises grazing her cheek leading him to her bandaged arm and knee brace,He took a seat next to her holding her hand

"Lia I'm sorry for everything I've done to you." He said solemnly "Everything is my fault, I left you and Nate for Alice and she has more than proven my mistakes, Lia I still Love you and care about you." He said now crying tightening his grip on her hand "Let's go back to our reality, where its me and you no one else." He bowed his head soaking her hand in tears

"Ma-Mason, you're here. Where's Na-Nate?" Lia said slowly regaining her consciousness "Hey relax Nate is safe and of course I'm here....what happened to you?" He said wiping his tears quickly

"Alice and uhm Zeke came with some guys to-to kidnap me." She barely whispered as Mauricio walked in

"Mason I said I shouldn't find you here." The older man said "Please leave Lia alone." He continued

"Dad let him stay." Lia interrupted "I need to talk to him." She continued with a smile as he father sighed and left the room

"Well, you're in a good mood." He said with a chuckle "why did you let me stay?" He asked seriously staring dead into her eyes

"I heard what you said when you first walked in Mason." She said trying to sit up he immediately went to help her "I'm fine." She said with a smile

"Back to our Reality huh?" She said and chuckled "Mason, I still love you a lot." She paused as he beamed with excitement "But let's face it we were never meant to be. Before we got married your Mom died trying to arrange our wedding remember, during our marriage our dads clearly didnt accept our marriage but I stayed because I knew that I had you." She released a shaky breath "But then you cheated on me, and I knew that was the final blow the universe was screaming in my face telling me to leave you for good." She raised her voice a little

"But what happened again, I left you and found out I was carrying your child Mason, I almost died because of my connection to you, you are like a venom running in my blood but Damn I love that venom." She said looking up at him with tears lacing her eyes and a smile encircled her lips

"Where are you going with this Lia?" Mason asked hopefully "What I'm trying to say is I'll give you another chance Mason, mostly for Nate's sake I know I can raise him on my own but he needs a father." She said conclusively "what made you think about all of this?" He asked calmly

"When I was in the woods, I had a gun pointed to my head with a promise of the trigger being pulled, In the few seconds I had I thought of my life and what I was doing with it and I realized that I would continue fighting with you still my last breath because I love you and My son would be in the middle of everything and he was going to get hurt." She answered him

"Lia do you mean what you are saying Right now?" He said with a bright smile
"Every single word Mason, I love you." She said with a laugh at the end

"Well Lia Cruz, I love you." He said as he hugged her making her flinch but when he tried to move she hugged him back as the door swung open revealing Riley and Ryan

"Sorry for the interruption." Ryan teased making Riley nudge him with her elbow
As Mason stepped away from Lia "Does this mean you guys are getting back together?" Riley asked

"Maybe." They simultaneously said both chuckling afterwards

"Wait if you two are here.....who has Nathaniel and Emma?" Lia asked still holding Mason's hand

"Your Mother has them child." Mauricio said entering the room

"Uhm Dad I still love him." She said sheepishly "Are you sure child?" Mauricio asked violently "Yes very." She said then smiled

Mauricio then turned his attention to Mason and said "Dont hurt her this time, the fact that she's willing to give you a second chance you must be something special." He said with a warm smile as his phone buzzed

"Excuse me." He said leaving the room

"Well that went well." Mason said kissing Lia's Knuckles "Yeah a bit too well." Riley said "Are you sure that's Mauricio Cruz?" She jokingly said "Of course he is my Dad Riley." Lia said with a chuckle as the door swung open with Mauricio in some kind of daze

"Mr. Cruz, what's wrong?" Ryan spoke up "Nate is missing, Vanessa said she put him in the guest room for a nap and few hours later he wasn't there." Mauricio said as Lia started sobbing

Mason's cellphone Rang and it was Alice

"Please dont hate me, I'm just getting rid of any trace of Lia Cruz." Alice said as soon as he picked up his phone "I have Nate and as much as this will hurt you I will kill him, Lia survived but the 3 year old wont." She said sadistically "Take care of Amanda."

"Alice you dont have to do that, I'll do anything just give me Nate." He said desperately "Anything?" She asked "Anything." He repeated "Kill Lia Cruz." She said then hang up

" She said then hang up

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