Being poessessed(?)

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This isn't actually that scary, it's more of a sweet story, probably connected to my deceased father.

This happened yesterday, July 25th, 2021. I had gotten home from work around 9pm (I have a part time job at Starbucks), and my mother was sitting outside in the patio in the backyard, talking to one of my aunts. I walked up to her, saying that I was home and things like that. My aunt on the phone wanted to say hi to me, so I took the phone and stood behind my mother, talking to her.

I sort of zoned out while talking and the next thing I knew was my mother's voice breaking me out of the trance.

I remember she said, "Edmund, (My father's name), is that you patting my head?"

It turns out when I had zoned out, I was patting my mother's head with my free hand while I was talking.

According to her, my father used to do that if my mother had a headache, which she happened to have that evening. I had also never done this before so I have no idea what brought me to do that.

I don't know if I would call that being possessed, but I did find it strange yet kind of sweet.

Tell me what you think? Would that be considered being poessed?

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