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My father, brother, and I are traveling to the imperial palace in the carriage.

Elliote announced, "I'll be accompanying her highness."

"I see, did her highness request you to accompany her?" Father inquires.

"She had already sent me a letter."

My brother is usually in the royal palace serving as her highness's personal bodyguard, so even though I haven't personally seen her, Elliote has been in love with her since we were little. He will return home if the princess grants him approval.

The princess is a genuine saint. She reportedly resembles the empress as well.

When our father brought him to the royal palace for the very first time, he became fascinated with her highness. Let us simply say it was love at first sight.

What about you, Eloise?" my father said abruptly.


"Who shall be escorting you?"

"I'm not sure, it doesn't really matter," I answered.

"You've changed, you know?"

What now?

"You generally throw temper tantrums if no one wants to accompany you or interact with you, and you often cause us headaches," my father continued.

"Anyhow, according to what I've heard, the twins will be attending the event with aunt Gwen and uncle Ryker," Elliote added.

Those twins? Man, this is going to be awful.

Due to the fact that my father doesn't really like me, the twins always make fun of me. My father and Aunt Gwen are related.

The marquess, Bizeveron. Uncle Ryker, and aunt Gwen are the parents of the twins.

My dad doesn't pay enough attention to me, therefore they both are friendly to me, but again the twins are by far the worst, grrr.

Aunt Gwen and uncle Ryker regularly go to Western Empire for business purposes, so the twins are probably left alone with their maids at their mansion. I haven't seen them in five years.

As soon as my feet hit the ground at the royal residence, Adelaide dashes towards me to give me a hug.

She sobbed, "Waaah! Lady Eloise, I missed you!"

I smile and embrace her in return, saying "I'm sorry for the delayed response last night."

"It's fine, lady Eloise, but I'm so delighted you made it," she wept.

"Yes, how are you today?"

"I'm absolutely fine, lady Eloise! The emperor said I may go out and enjoy myself the entire week starting tomorrow! The imperial family are incredibly wonderful to me," she said joyfully.

"Oh, excellency offers you a holiday, so tomorrow will be fun,"

"Indeed, my lady!"

I'm glad Adelaide is getting better care than she would receive at her own home.

"Shall we enter the palace now? Come this way, duke, sir Elliote and lady Eloise."

When we entered the palace after following her, I was in awe of its grandeur.

I feel as though I'm in heaven because of the large and numerous chandeliers in the ceiling.

There are various delicacies available, thus since no one will accompany me, I'll simply eat and enjoy myself.

"Where are you going, Eloise?" Elliote inquires.

"I'm going to have fun,"

"With whom?"

"What do you mean with whom? I'm simply going to have some fun....with myself."

As I leave, I occasionally question if my brother is clever or an idiot. He's definitely both.

I was preparing to go get some munchies when...

"It's Eloise!"

Not too far away, I heard the recognizable voice. Uh oh, they have already come.

Khan and Khal, the twins, were racing toward me when they both of a sudden gave me a hug. I nearly fell off my chair.

It's been five years, Khal exclaimed.

I responded, " is."

Anyhow, you were so great, I heard you disclosed Viscount Caledon's secret, Khan added.

How did you find out?

What you accomplished was incredible, at first it's incredibly difficult to believe but your portrait is on the newspaper," Khal said. "The story is now circulating across the empire."

They photographed me without my consent.

And when did these two decide to like me?

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