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He didn't go to the gala. Pete kept blowing up the office's phone, but Mr. Black ordered me not to pick up his calls.

7 more weeks of this family drama, and I'm free. I haven't thought of where I'll work next, but probably not as an assistant. I don't need another moody jerk as my boss. Logan was standing in my office's doorway.

"What did you do now?" I ask him.

"Nothin', Mellisa and I were thinkin' about hittin' the club tonight." He raised a dark brow.

"I'll think about it when you stop faking the damn accent!" I said with an eye roll.

"Fine. You're coming then?" He asked, running his hand through his dirty blonde hair.

"Nope. I have a date tonight."

"What?!" He yelled, then realised he was standing just outside of the devil's office. "You have a date? And you didn't think of telling me? Mellisa? Are we not important to you anymore?" He accused.

"Chill dude, I have a date with my bed, and it's a Tuesday! Who goes to club on a Tuesday?" These dumbasses obviously!

"There's no specific day to hit the club, and we, unlike some people can hold our liquor." He said, referring to the times I couldn't hold my liquor, which was never.

"I'm not going, and if you feel like hanging out at my place, then please don't." He scowled. "You're mean." He turned while pouting, which instantly dropped seeing Chase storming out of his office.

"Good morning sir." He greeted, which I don't think he heard or if he did, he ignored.

"Cancel the meetings for rest of the day." He said before leaving. Rude asshole.

"Can you hear my heart beating?" Logan asked. He patted his chest trying to calm his beating heart. "Wait. Does that mean you have a day off too?" He asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dunno." I reply, looking at the meetings he had today. Logan leaves while I reschedule his meetings.

For the rest of the day, I didn't have anything to do neither I had permission to go home because the asshole decided to ignore my email asking him if I can go home early, so I decided to explore the office today. I discovered our new receptionist, Layla, was in love with our boss. Phew, nothing new. She was nice. She told me how lucky I was to work for the green eyed greek god. Gag. She even asked me If I had banged him yet or not, because I must be stupid if I haven't. She doesn't know I'll get fired if I tried to breathe at a distance less than 2 feet from him.

She went on to tell me how he smiled at her today. Liar. He never smiles. Like never. I can count on my fingers, the times he smiled. That's once. And no, it wasn't in a presence of a woman, it was in a presence of a baby. It was a rare sight to witness, he looked almost human. Aaaand he has dimples! They're adorable. I wish I thought of capturing the moment.

"Celeste?" Layla brought me back from my wonderland.


"Do you by any chance have his number?" She asked, biting her lip.

"Nope." I totally did. She doesn't need to know that. I only have it because he called me once in the middle of the night because he forgot his ID password.

"Oh shame, do you know how old is he?" She asks with a pout, acting like she's thinking.

"29." I provide for her, knowing that she doesn't know.

"Oooh. Age gap, I'm 21." She tells me, while thinking about their 'age-gap.' after finally counting on her fingers. "He's 8 years older than me! But he looks so young." She gasped.

"You know, he likes pink on women." I wink at her and make my way to a different department.

I met alot of people today, I was in the accounting department when I saw Mellisa and Logan, after explaining to them why I was taking a toll, both of them threatened me not to befriend someone else.


There's a really cute guy in marketing, he joined just a few weeks ago. His name is Caleb Andrews, he's 24 years old, the same as me. And he's gorgeous. Swoon. His chocolate brown hair is curly. Swoon again. His hair matches his eyes. And that smile, I was a goner. So I did what Mel and Logan told me not to and invited him to the club where I wasn't going before. He nicely declined the offer, saying he had to meet the boss tomorrow and is working on a presentation. But I got his number so, hah.


It's been a week since I last met Caleb, which was in the meeting he had with Chase. Layla has been wearing pink ever since. Everyday it's the same type of pink, neon. Sometimes it's lighter and sometimes it's too bright to ignore. Chase hasn't glanced in her direction once. I feel bad for making her wear those colours, maybe I should tell her about my little lie. I'll talk to her during lunch.

6 more weeks. Yeah, I'm counting. Who wouldn't?

I stood up as Chase Black in all his glory stepped out of the elevator. "Good morning Mr. Black." To my utter shock. He replied back, "Good morning Miss Reed."

Woah. Looks like he's in a good mood. Maybe he got a girlfriend, he left early yesterday. If that's the case, then I'm so glad. If having a girlfriend makes him nicer, then I may stay here a little longer.

I realised his good mood was because of a deal he closed. Apparantly, it was important to him. I decided to talk to Layla now, but she was trying to flirt with Caleb when I reached there. How could she flirt with my new crush? I decided against telling her the truth. Let her wear pink for all I care.


I was shoving the chips in my mouth as the movie played. Luke, my bestfriend slash housemate, asked, "What happened now?"

"I have a new crush." I tell him with my mouth still full. "Okay..?"

"And Layla the idiot was flirting with him." He hummed while trying to take a piece from my packet. "Bring your own." I frown at him.

"Is she hot?" He asked. I glared at him. "We'll find you a new crush. Don't worry." He assures me. "Are you over him?" He asks.

"Him who? I never had a crush on him to get over him." I roll my eyes.

"Hah. Are your pants on fire yet? Liar!"

"I do not have a crush on Chase." He snorted and I realised my mistake. "Oh fuck off." I left the laughing dork in the living room and went to my room.

So..that was the second chapter. Hope you liked it. I was thinkin' about adding character aesthetics, maybe I'll upload once I find the pictures I like. Also, happy 11 years of one direction!
Until next.

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