~ Chapter - 20 ~

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(About the picture- It's Catherine.)

- E L I J A H - 

"What's the need for this?" I asked looking at the wrapped present Cath gave me. 

"Well, it's Aria's birthday so I had to get a gift for her obviously." She shrugged. Aria and her are quite close. She is always so excited to meet her and vice-versa. She's the closest to Aria in my whole family. 

"I would've brought one and gave it to her on behalf of both of us though." I said. 

"Yeah surely. You didn't even remembered her birthday and do you even know what she likes?" She laughed. I rolled my eyes. It isn't like I forgot her birthday altogether, it just slipped off my mind. 

"How would I know when she doesn't tell me anything?" I retorted.

"How would you know when you don't talk to her."  She said emphasising 'you' and pointing her finger at me accusingly. 

"It's not like that-" I started but I myself know she is right. We live in the same house and barely know each other. Even Catherine knows her better than me.

"Stop lying to yourself. Look, I know I have no right to speak in your family matters but I think you should be nice to Aria. See, the twins behaviour with her isn't good and both of us know that. She's such a sweetheart to let go of it so easily. To be honest babe, I would've holded a grudge for a lifetime." She said in a serious tone which she rarely uses. I let her words sink in for a moment before nodding. If Catherine starts talking seriously, it truly means you messed up. 

"What was the last time you actually talked? Or played something together? Think about it Elijah. Fix it before it's too late." She said. 

"I'll think about it. See you later." I said giving her a hug and drove to my home. I thought of getting a cake on my way because I felt very guilty after the conversation with Catherine. I really neglected her a lot. We used to spend so much time together and now we didn't even had a proper conversation in months. I ignore the twins behavior with her. The way they don't leave any chance to upset her but then I ain't any better. 

 I reached the bakery but I had no idea what flavour she likes. I decided to call Mom for help.

"Hey Mom." I said when she picked up.

"Hi, is everything okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah. Um I just wanna ask you if you know what type of cake Aria likes?" I asked. 

"Why? You are getting a cake?" She asked shock evident in her voice. I wonder if it has always been so obvious to everyone around me? 

"Yes Mom. Now please tell me, I'm already running late." I said. 

"Yeah, she likes chocolate." She said. 

"Okay. Thanks. I love you Mom. Bye." I said quickly and hung up before she could ask anything else. I took the cake and some snacks and hurried back home. Aria is an early sleeper and it's already 9. 

"I'm home." I yelled as I entered but got no response. "Aria!" I tried again but silence was all I got. She must not be at home because Aria never ignores anyone. Not even the twins. 

"Did she do something again?" Xavier asked coming downstairs. 

"No you idiot. I want to cut the cake with her." I replied putting all the stuff on the table

"Why?" He frowned. At least I'm not the worst one in all this. 

"What date in today genius?" I asked. 

"Uh 25th of July-" He said and a wave of realisation hit him. "Oh shit. It's her birthday." I shook my head. 

"Where is she?" I asked.

"I don't know. Must be with the Garcias." He shrugged. I nodded knowingly. She's with them all the day nowadays. She just come home to talk with Mom and Dad, eat, study and sleep. All the other time she's with them or her other friends. I don't know if it's affecting my brothers or not but it surely is affecting me. She was the light of our home and I realise it now. She kept all of us happy no matter what we did. 

"When will she be back?" I asked. 

"Do I look like her P.A. or something? Call her yourself if you are so concerned." He said rolling his eyes. Typical Xavier. I took out my phone and called her. She picked up after a few seconds.

"Hey Aria. When are you gonna come back?" I asked.

"Why? Is everything okay?" She asked. Why do everyone keep asking me that today?

"Yeah. Just come soon." I said.

"Okay. Bye." She said.

"Bye." I hung up. Xavier frowned and kept staring at me. I tried to ignore it because arguing with him is like argueing with a radio. He won't stop and keep getting louder and louder. I could still feel his eyes boring into my face.

"What are you trying to do?" He asked giving me a strange look.

"What do you mean?" I frowned. 

"Why are you acting like such a good older brother all of a sudden? Either Mom forced you or you need something from her." He said. 

"It's nothing like that. I feel bad for treating her the way I did." I sighed.

"Pity." He smirked.


"You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky."
-Harry Styles. 

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