Chapter 1 - May The Odds Ever Be In Your Favor

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„Don't worry about it. I never wasted a thought on winning anyway", I enlightened my mentor Seeder. 

She looked at me sympathetically. "Don't say that. You never know what happens inside the arena. No one expected me to survive either", she encouraged me. 

"I don't have any useful skills." 

"Every district has their own advantages. District 11 isn't an exception. Maybe we are not great fighters or physically strong, but we are endurable. And you know a lot about different plants. You should improve your survival skills during training instead of your fighting skills. Use your talents", she advised me before leaving me for the night. 

The next days were nerve-racking. Though every day back home had been. Stealing food under the eyes of the peacekeepers had not been relaxed and easy at all. And not always without consequences. Therefore, I was used to staying calm, when it mattered. 

At skill demonstration I only got a 6, but it did not matter anyway. I would not get any sponsors. I was sure about that. District 11 tributes were not exactly popular as we have been malnourished for our whole life. Considering that I was pretty tall but still too skinny even after the Capitol's feasts. 

"I believe in you, (f/n)! You can make it out of there!", Seeder emboldened me as I was standing in front of the hovercraft which would lead me to hell. 

"Thank you, Seeder", I forced myself to give her a small smile. "Maybe I will be lucky", I considered holding the pendant of my necklace tightly. 

Rue had given me the necklace as a present two years ago. It was showing a tree, resembling our district and our time together. She had said to me that we would be connected through the roots. As long as I wore it, she would send me new strength and luck. I clung onto that thought now. 

Soon I was standing on the platform that would move me up to the arena. 

Anxiety filled me. The environment of the arena would decide over my future, or rather if I would have a future at all. 

Heat surrounded me as soon as I got to the surface. At first it was like moving through a portal into another world after being in the air-conditioned rooms of the Capitol. But after a few seconds I got used to it. It felt like summer at home. 

Unfamiliar trees were gathered over the whole area around us. 

My gaze wandered over the tributes surrounding the cornucopia. I knew that I would not stand a chance against them in a fight. 

So as soon as the countdown was over, I ran toward the forest. I did not dare to turn around. 

Behind me the annual bloodbath had started. The cannon sounds erupted one after another. 

When I was out of breath I climbed onto a tree to rest. 

How many had died already? I had not been able to count all of the cannon sounds as the adrenaline had taken over. Never mind! There were more important things right now. What did I need to survive? Water. Water was definitely first priority. 

I jumped from tree to tree until I had found one that was tall enough. At the top I could see the whole arena. No water in sight. 

I climbed down again and inspected the ground. It was completely dry. But there had to be water. Otherwise we would die too fast. That would not be entertaining enough. 

Quickly I climbed back onto the tree to hide. The faint screams had stopped by now along with the cannon sounds, meaning the bloodbath was over. Silence had settled over the forest. 

Just now I noticed that the silence was unnatural. Back home there were always some kinds of sounds. What about the insects, birds and other animals? Now that I thought about it, I had not perceived one animal. Neither had I seen any familiar plants. Was the only available food at the cornucopia? If that was the case it would settle my death. 

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