31 | predictions

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    I gave birth to my child last night. Another girl.

Edmund does not know yet. Now, I watch indifferently as Argenta swaddled the little babe, and although I should be happy that my child is born perfectly healthy, I could not.

Instead, all I felt was crippling fear. I think of the dead Queen Helene more than ever. The bad king had arranged for her death just because she was unable to produce a son, and I fear that the same fate shall soon befall me.

          "Do you not want to hold your daughter, Anne ?" I hear my mother-in-law ask, and I could only smile bitterly as I shook my head.

           "No," I mouthed back.

She is a beautiful, healthy baby girl. Her hair is pitch black, contrasting with her snow white skin, just like her father. The only feature she had gotten from me is her pale periwinkle eyes.

I notice that Lillianna was pacing around in the corner, her eyes darting around wildly as she nervously chewed on her fingernail.

           "What are you worrying about, Lillianna ?" I ask weakly, my voice barely above a whisper.

She briskly shook her head. "Nothing of importance. You should be resting right now, My Lady Anne."

Despite her assurance, I was certain that the matter she was worried about is indeed important. I reach out and grasp for her arm.

            "Tell me, Lillianna," I croak. "You must tell me. I must know."

She cowered under my sharp gaze, and eventually, she relented. "Your Majesty, the King's concubine, Melissa Hasteburn is pregnant."

For a moment, I felt as if my mind went blank, and then, a burst of cold laughter bubbled up my throat.

              "Your Majesty," Lillianna called out in concern, but I brushed her off.

              "I knew this day would come sooner or later. But to announce the news on this day... The Hasteburns truly know how to make others grow green with envy."

In the corner of my eyes, I could see my mother-in-law opening the door to let my husband in, and I bitterly looked away.

              "Look, Ned. It's a healthy little girl," I hear her say.

              "She is lovely. Let me hold her, Mama," Edmund's voice rang.

There was no hint of disappointment in his voice, but how pleased can he be, when he was the one who repeatedly said that we must have a son?

Then, I could feel the right side of the bed dip, and I immediately knew that it was Edmund. He knelt down to press a kiss against my forehead, but I turned away before his lips even touched my skin.

             "Anne ?" he murmured in confusion. "Do you not feel well? I will call the physician over-"

             "No," I interrupted. "I am perfectly fine. But there is no need for you to waste your time over here. Why don't you go and look after your little concubine, hm? Who knows, you might be able to get an heir out of her."

             "Anne, I will only consider our children as my heirs. I thought you knew that."

              "Of course I know," I retort. "But if she pops out a son, will your stance remain the same ?"

               "I always keep my promises, Annie. I love you, and only you. Even if she gives birth to ten boys, only our children can ascend the throne."

The Red Throne | TUQ Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now