Chapter 13 | Placement Exam

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A MORNING unlike all others

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A MORNING unlike all others.

Emi rested under the shade of a mushroom, her bright blue eyes turning their gaze to the palace servants who each carried a harvest basket. If this was like any normal day in the castle, their laughs and jokes would shower the garden as the trees gift them with fruits in delight. Her skin which was naturally green turned blue, expressing her somber mood. And the little fairy's perky pointed ears drooped to the sides of her head.

She closed her eyes, drawing a shaky breath. Even nature had gotten silent this time. Their songs and melody turned into hushes of melancholy.

Emi welcomed the cool and damp air, her face in the open, and her delicate, transparent wings shivered. She could hear the silent cries of the trees, and the flowers' silent prayers which echoed the same wishes of the people of this kingdom.

But when others saw gloom, she saw the world in silver blues. When there was freezing rain kissing the earth and grass, she saw coldness that brought her to a higher feeling of life. There was a time for sunshine and a time for wintry somber hues. But with Emi, there was still hope that would peek behind the clouds until the sun would show in the day and the moon at night.

"The princess will wake up," she muttered in her tiny voice. Then the tree leaves swayed in doubt. The flowers curled in hopelessness. And the birds retreated to their nest. She squeezed her palms tight on her scraggly yellow dress before getting up to her feet in a stubborn huff. She unfurled her wings and let the wind guide her like a free leaf in a particular direction.

The princess, unpermitted to make normal friends, had allowed herself to seek friendship among the creatures of not her kind. If there was no Prince Alistair to ease her loneliness, she would either disguise herself as one of the maids or wander somewhere in the palace with lesser prying eyes. And there, she'd meet with her peculiar friends, Emi being one of them.

It was bad enough that Emi was not able to be there on the princess' birthday. For a week, she journeyed to Mystic forest where she was needed at home in Petaltwig Barrow. And after hearing the grave news from the trees and animals, Emi rushed back, imagining the horror she might find in her return.

So there Emi was, on the balcony, trying to peek behind the thick curtains of the glass door. It was slightly parted, so she was able to see the princess inside. It had been a week since Clara was unconscious, her skin growing paler with each passing time. More dark purple blotches would appear on her once pearlescent skin. And no Healer, not even the best one, could give any cure to the sickness the princess might have.

Ever since that night, no one was allowed to be around her and she slept ever so peacefully as if nothing had happened.

And then, Emi heard footsteps inside... and hushed voices.

Her eyebrows curled as she watched the prince grab the arm of a servant while murmuring words—too much of an angry whisper for her to catch. Her instincts kicked in and wanted to push the glass door open to sneak in.

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