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Bashar Barakah Jackson

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Bashar Barakah Jackson

Jordan M ______________________

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Jordan M


Bashar and Jordan were best friend since they were kids. They were there for each other's first and experiences like first crush , kiss ,
time , and etc. Jordan even helped the newly famous man get famous by encouraging to take rapping seriously and saying that he was to good not to at least try and for that he is forever thankful since he is now very well known. So since they were the ideal best friends it hurt Jordan when Bashar wasn't returning her calls , text , anything that had to do with Jordan really. Jordan didn't understand what she could have possible done to upset the older man she called her best friend and hoped to be more. I mean yeah they had an argument but it wasn't that big of a deal for them to completely stop communicating. For the first view days Jordan gave him space and said that she would back off and just hope that he would eventually come to her and they could work out which is usually what happens. Unfortunately, to Jordan's surprise it didn't work out like that because Bashar still hadn't talked to Jordan in a week and a half and this was starting to anger Jordan because she felt like she had been blindsided.For Bashar to completely cut off all communication with Jordan for no well or known reason is absurd.

Now Jordan didn't wanna have to do this but the odds seem to be rolling that way. Since Jordan and Bashar are best friends well used to be Jordan now assumes she had a key and still does so she decided if Jordan wasn't gonna reach out to her and talk she would. Texting or calling wouldn't work because he could easily decline that like he did to all the other fifty calls Jordan left so she was going to use her key and not break in .. no .. just to simply come in Bashar house and wait for him without his knowledge that she is in his house. The reason Jordan is going to the extreme is because she truly misses her best friend especially when Jordan looked at Bashar more than that like a lover and not just a friend someone she could actually see herself being with but Bashar wasn't helping his case with this while ignoring thing.

Which is why Jordan is on his couch looking amazing because why not dress and show him what he is missing out on while sitting  with a half grin because she knew that there is no way Bashar isn't going to talk to her.

Bashar mentality:

See Bashar meant well but didn't really think that well. Since him and Jordan had been friends since diapers and absolutely loved each other and always around each other for everything someone could go through. He was even there for Jordan's first period. After all the years of him and his ' best friend ' being together it was bound for someone to catch feelings no one imagined it be the nigga from New York.

He also never took into consideration that Jordan might feel the same as he did instead he just thought ignoring Jordan till the feelings were gone was the best way which is what he did. He had soon realize that's it wasn't but he couldn't text Jordan that because she would ask why he ignored her in the first place and that would have to have him admit his feelings. Which is what he is trying to get out of anyway. So he just was stuck but chose not to say anything and hoped it would blow over.

Except he was sadly mistaken when he opened the door and found his best friend Jordan sitting on his couch with a snarky grin when she had realized Bashar had come in.

" Yo Jordan what is you doing here " with confusion laced heavily in his tone. " That's funny that's the first thing you've said to me in a week and a half. Well since you wanna ignore a bitch I decided why not use my key and make you talk to me." Jordan said with a happy and high voice but it wasn't really happy it was just a bunch of sarcasm laced in tone and Bashar knew she was hurt but hiding it with sarcasm something Jordan tend to do when she was upset or pissed. " Listen Jordan it ain't even like that I was just busy " Bashar said trying to defuse the situation.

" Then what is it fucking like Bashar ? Hmm ? Because it seems to me you are ignoring me and I didn't even do shit to you. We've been there for each other thru everything and we promised to never hurt each other. So please tell me why the fuck you're annoying me for no fucking reason. " Jordan said looking Bashar in the eye now standing up and not sitting on the couch anymore. " Listen Jordan just needed space you trippin " Bashar said while shaking his head but he had wish he never said that because when he looked at Jordan he could see the anger radiating off of her. " You needed space ... space ? Instead of communicating that and saying you needed space you ignore me and continue to post your self on social media with other friends who aren't me and say you needed space from me ? My best friend ... the love of my life needed space from me. Thank you so much Bashar for letting me know I'll give you all the space you need by removing myself from your life that way you can have all the space you fucking need. " Jordan had said raising her voice every sentence. What she had failed to realize is that she confessed that she had loved Bashar but her being so enraged she couldn't stop her self she was just saying everything that came to mind.

Once Bashar heard the love of my life come out of Jordan mouth everything else she said was a blur. All he could focus on is the fact that his best friend and hopefully soon to be girlfriend loved him just as much as he loved her. " You love me Jordan ? " Bashar asked in the husky New York accent that made any girl go crazy especially Jordan. " Yeah Bashar I do so you ignoring hurts cause what did I do to you ? " Jordan asked sighing letting all the anger go and now being flushed with sadness.

" The only reason I ignored you was because I liked you and I was scared you didn't like me back so I tried to ignore you until the feelings pass " Bashar said now feeling bad because the look on Jordan's face made him feel incredibly upset mowing he was the cause of it. " You fucking idiot you could've told me and we could've been together " Jordan said now laughing at how idiotic her best friend was and how this all could've been avoided if the man new how to communicate. " Yeah I'm so sorry ma " Bashar said bringing Jordan close and hugging her. " Ma hmm ? Does this mean we are dating ? " Jordan asked smirking. " Yes it does unless you don't want to " Bashar said now smirking as well. " Of course but my nigga you gotta learn how to communicate " Jordan said laughing but rolling her eyes playfully as well. " I know I know imma get better mama I promise " Bashar said smiling and leaning in and so did Jordan causing their lips to make contact and it felt right like everything was falling into place. Although Jordan loved kissing her newly boyfriend she pulled away just to say one thing.

" Ignore me like that again and I will kill you " Jordan said smiling.

Which Bashar replied with " I promise I won't I love ya crazy ass "

" I love you to bae " Jordan said reconnecting their lips.


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