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never knew Theo would be this heavy. His arm was around Draco's shoulders, the other draped around Blaise's. They were practically dragging him along the pavement on the way to Malfoy Manor. It was the closest house to walk to, considering Theo was too injured to use a portkey or to apparate. He broke his bloody femur. Literally snapped it into two.

  "I swear you're a thousand pounds." Blaise grunted, "At least put some effort and fucking walk you idiot!"

  "I can't put weight on it!" Theo smacked Blaise's head. "It hurts you prick!"

  Blaise growled and threatened to slam Theo to the ground, "I swear, I'm going to throw you over the gate." He actually made a move to do so, which Theo screamed in protest.

  "Stop!" Draco shouted at them. "You're heavy enough as it is. Blaise don't make this fucking worse!" Both idiots stopped and resumed walking, like they were just scolded. He looked into the face created by the steel bars of the gate and it opened immediately for him.

  "You might want to cut the alcohol. I hear it makes you gain weight." Blaise grumbled again and Theo let go of Draco's shoulder, wanting to choke Blaise. Draco gladly slipped out of their hold. If they want to fight then go ahead, he was too tired to intervene.

  "Draco!" Blaise called after him. "Come on, mate how am I supposed to-"

  He heard a smack behind him along with more grumbles and groans but didn't care. He continued to walk towards the house.

  They'll live.

  He took his wand out and muttered the charm to open the front door. It creaked with a soft tapping noise, its hinges rusty and squeaking a little too loud for his liking. A blur of grey and white stormed from the stairs and attacked his foot, licking his shoes.

  "Smalls?" He called. The dog replied with a loud bark. He pointed his head to the stairs by the entrance foyer.

  There were approximately ten or more books scattered around her, some half opened, along with discarded parchments filled with little scribbles. It was her appearance that worried him most. Her cheekbones were far too hollow. The darkness of the circles around her eyes made him curse. Not to mention the paleness of her lips.

  Smalls' bark must have woken her up, judging by her state she must not have been sleeping for long, or was not really sleeping at all.

  "Catherine." He called out, her name breathless against her lips.

  "Draco." She called back. Her lips began to quiver and the unshed tears on those brown eyes made him move. She met him halfway, launching herself at him and her body went limp. Both of them fell into a puddle on the floor. Catherine was clinging on him as hard as he could, but her grasp was so weak. Draco could smell his own perfume on the sweater she's wearing, which was most likely his too.

  She buried her face on his chest and silent tears shook her body. Her body trembled with each passing breath. His shirt fisted in her hands as she held onto him.

  "Oh my fucking God." She whispered, "Draco, I thought-"

  "I'm here." He replied, cutting her. Not wanting her to overthink for a second longer. His arms wrapped around her tightly, for if he were to let go she would melt into the floor. He placed a kiss on the side of her head, slowly brushing her hair.

  "You were gone, for two fucking days. There was an explosion and people... The Centre was filled with people hurt and dead and I didn't know..." She continued and Draco gently rocked her and quieted her. Her little sobs were stabbing his chest. This was what he was trying to avoid whenever he went on raids. He always wanted to be the first to go home. To come home to her.

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