30: Never involve Ciro in your plans.

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"You want anything else angel?" Lucca asks me as we all sit down in the living room.

I smile up at him as I pat my full stomach that would burst open if I ate anything else. "I don't think I can eat anything for a week Lucca. I am so stuffed." I say jokingly but meaning it at the same time.

The breakfast was so delicious and amazing. The way Lucca made sure I ate all my favorites ones - was simple so sweet. He is the perfect boyfriend every single girl dream of. And it was not just now, whenever we sat down to eat, he always makes sure I am right next to him. Before he fills his plate he fills mine and asks me if I need anything else. It is like he knows exactly what I like and want to eat all the time. Plus sometimes if I left some food on my plate when I am done eating he would simple pull the plate towards him and finish the rest of them for me.

He was too perfect, that sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve him.

"Oh don't say that buttercup," Ciro loud exited sound causes me to shift and look at him.

I was snuggled right next to Lucca on the couch while Ciro and sat opposite to us.

"You need to make some space for your birthday cake and..." Ciro informs me and it takes my foggy - food induced coma brain to realize what he was saying. But the moment it does I quickly spin my head and look at Lucca. As I was resting my head on his chest, I had to tilt my head a bit back to get a clear look of his face. Lucca had a look which was in between 'I am going to kill you Ciro' and 'a boy caught with his hands in cookie-jar'. He keeps staring at Ciro and it seems like they are having some silent secret conversation among themselves.

"Oh Ciro dear." I hear my mom gasp from the far end of the room. She sounded half in shock and half in disbelief. But I don't look at her or Ciro or anyone in particular. My eyes were fixed on Lucca, waiting patiently for his beautiful crystal blue eyes to meet mine.

"Oh sorry I forgot the party was a surprise." I hear Ciro say sounding apologetic but then more apologetic when he ends up revealing everything including the surprise party. "Oh shit," He adds and it was it I couldn't hold back my laughter. I burst of laughing and it takes a second before I hear everyone joining in. We all laugh for good two minutes before I say "Omg Ciro I really didn't know you were so terrible in keeping secret," I say as I wipe the happy tears that had left my eyes. "I am never involving you in any of my rendezvous." I inform him with a playful smile on my face as I ease back to Lucca.

"I told you we should never involve Ciro in our plan," I hear Francesco say and feel Lucca snort in agreement."Little brother no offense but you are the worst one among us when it comes to keeping secrets."Lucca adds and we all chime in with agreement followed by laughter.

"What?? Really??" Ciro yells in disbelief and we all laugh again,"I haven't still told her about Lucc..." But before Ciro could finish his sentence Francesco cuts him.

"CIRO." I hear they all say in unison and then we all burst out laughing again.

"So what is this surprise Ciro is talking about." I ask Lucca as I place my hand over his chest.

He sighs loudly in defeat only causing me to giggle some more. Then he reaches out and grabs my hand, wrapping his muscular fingers around mine and gives it a soft squeeze before pulling it up to his lips to kiss. "It was supposed to be a surprise birthday party dinner." He says sheepishly.

"Lucca," I say in shock, not sure if I should kiss him or jump him.

"I know, I know angel you said you didn't wanted to have any sort of celebration. But I can't imagine having a birthday without a birthday party, especially my angels. So that's why I planned one but it looks like it won't be a surprise anymore." His tone sounded deflated, disappointed and I hated that.

"Thank you so much Lucca," I say as his eyes come to meet mine."And just because you planned this party with so much love and care. I will definitely go."The moment I tell him I will go, he gives me one of his sexy as hell smile and his blue eyes light up bright.

"Really, you will attend the party?" He sounded unsure and I nod letting him know I will. I will do anything for him at this point, cause he does so much for me.

Throughout the previous week right in the middle of celebrating my birthday, Lucca once asked me if I had any particular theme in my mind for birthday party or any place I wanted to have the party. And that was when I confessed to him, that I have never had any birthday party ever since the accident with my forester parents. None.

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