Dangerous Subjects

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Aidan took a step into the room. He desperately tried to ignore the corpse as he took another step into the room. Jamie's face was sickly pale, and his fingers were curled up in a way that looked as if he was playing the piano. The light flickered as Aidan stepped over the corpse and to the filing cabinets. Aidan looked in curiosity at the cabinets, scanning for a drawer to open. He tugged a cabinet open labeled "200-300" and looked inside. He gripped a random file and pulled it out, immediately opening it. It was a file for 274, a sixteen-year-old girl with pretty blue eyes and red hair. He stopped at a line that said her real name. Charlotte Price. At the bottom of the last page, it said "Danger level: still being determined." Aidan closed the folder and put it back in the cabinet. He stepped away from the cabinet, looking for a cabinet that might have 56's file in it. His eyes landed on a cabinet labeled "50-100". Bingo. Aidan pulled the cabinet open and took out 56's fine. He opened it and started reading. Name: Ethan King DOB: 9/24/91 Sex: M Physical Disabilities: Armless Aidan skimmed through the rest of the file, placing it on a table. Aidan's eyes darted around until they paused at "0-50". Aidan stepped towards it, opening the cabinet and pulling out 0's file. Name Colton McKay DOB: 5/13/89 Sex: M Aidan flipped to the last page. "9/23/01: Experiment 47: Subject has been given an injection." "0 has the ability to give heart attacks. He does it through biting. He can't give heart attacks if he himself is physically injured (more specifically if he has and any open wounds." "Danger level: Most dangerous subject."

Subject 0Where stories live. Discover now