Bonus Chapter #7: Kids, kids and kids everywhere

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"NIXON GREEN YOU BETTER GET DOWN HERE RIGHT THIS INSTANT!", I yelled from the pantry as Sean and Amber stood before me with their heads hung down in shame.

"Yo mama", Nixon's face popped up in the door to the pantry, "What's up?",

"Get in here", I stated.

He stood beside his siblings with a mischievous smile.

God I can't help but think this child is responsible for everything when he smiles.

"I bought a bar of Cadbury to use for the donuts I was making", I explained, "And the bar, seems to have magically disappeared when I came back from work today, would you guys have any idea where it might've gone?",

They all shook their heads simultaneously.

"Look mom, it's just a candy bar", Nixon chuckled, "You can just forgive Amber for gulfing it down and move on",

"But I dwidn't eat it!", Amber protested.

"Oh please", Nixon swooped her up, "Then why do you have the pot belly?", He poked her belly, making her giggle as she tried to push him away.

Honestly, they're so cute it's hard to be mad at them for long.

Nixon carried her out of the pantry, tickling her ferociously as he did so.

"Just to be clear", Sean cleared his throat, "We both know they split it don't we?",


"Great, now can I get back to my room?",

"Go ahead", I ruffled his hair as he sauntered out with his hands in his pockets.

Sean was the only sensible child out of my three doofuses. Don't get me wrong, I love them all. But with Will's green eyes, and my dark brown hair, he was rather handsome, but he never took advantage of it. Unlike Nixon, he was quiet, a little more reserved and definitely not a player.

Nixon on the other hand, that boy, is going to be the death of me someday.

He'd started receiving valentines ever since 1st grades, I found a bunch of them in his room, and I also saw Amber gobbling down heart shaped candies from beautifully decorated boxes made by the girls who proclaimed their love to Nixon.

As I had feared, he had turned out to be just like William.

I had met a bunch of the girls he would bring home for 'projects'. Most of them with fictitious smiles, skirts folded up and way to much makeup for their age.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a critical mother. I did like one of the girls who were crushing on my turbulent offspring. Her name was Robin Willis. Dear God, I loved that girl.

She lived next door to us and would visit very frequently. Her hair was always bunched up in a casual messy bun, she was wearing t-shirts of bands I had never heard of, and she had the most cute smile with her braces. She had a baby face with huge glasses that covered half of her face.

She was the only one out of the bunch that I approved of, but Nixon. He was always teasing her or agitating her.

And boy was he mean to her.

She was coming over for dinner tonight with her parents, and I was making her favorite dishes. You could say that William and I treated her like a daughter since we'd practically raised her, because of how busy her parents were and how many times I had babysitted her.

I wasn't the only one, Amber adored her, and Sean referred to her as 'gratifying'.

Which I assumed was good.

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