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Just like that, your visit went from always, to sometimes, to often, into few, into twice then once a month. Not like Claude notice though, head over heels for his lover. The palace becomes a lively place, it was bright and lovely compared to his first few years as the emperor. Days had gone by just like that, whenever you went for a meeting or visit in the palace, Diana would always invite you for a tea.

Turns out that little kind and lovely lover of his was a fan of yours, not totally a fan but she did look up to you. Having heard of your miracles way back in her hometown, she always longed to meet you. It was an odd bittersweet feeling. You can see why when such cold person like Claude falls for her. It was good overall, as a person who always stayed by his side through thick and thin, you're grateful he finally has someone whom he loves and loved him back. It makes you wonder what more could you do in his life, you who was always by his side but had done nothing.

Today was one of those days where you paid a visit to the imperial palace, having do have something to discuss with the Emperor, something important.

But first of all just like always, the garden comes first. It was one thing in the palace that manage to comfort you and had such a peaceful atmosphere.

"Lady Diana! Please don't run, you might fall!"

See? The palace is getting livelier than ever.

Just by that thought, a small smile made it's way on your lips, though if someone was to see your (eye color) iris they wouldn't be able to say the same, so it was a good thing that ever since the first meeting, never once have you taken your blindfold off.


It was her

Just like that you turn around, her usual same pure and pink aura was enough to make you recognize her, there there was something different than the last time you say her. Suddenly the feeling of bittersweet once again made you feel like it was the right decision you're making. At the same time, it was something you wish you never saw, just how would it hurt if you really saw that behind you're blindfold? Nevertheless, you are thankful you're wearing one, making the people around you unable to see the feeling of bittersweet and envy swirling around those (eye color) iris.

And in the middle of her coming towards you, probably welcoming you as ever, she ends up tripping.

"Be careful!"

You frown as you manage to catch her before she falls

The sound of footsteps right behind her coming in hurry.

"Lady Diana!"

"Thank heavens I manage to catch you before you fall, why are you running for Lady?!"

You ask in a scolding tone

"Well I was overjoyed by the fact that you're coming once again and came to see you right awa--"

"Still! You should be careful! Especially when you're pregnant! Don't go running not knowing when you might trip Lady!"

You scold in disapproval

Unknown to you who thought her pregnancy was already known, that was a piece of new news that causes Felix who just manages to catch up with the unofficial consort of the Emperor and the Lady Diana herself to shut up.

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