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Chandrashekhar P.O.V.

I can never ever forget yesternight. It seemed to be the biggest night for me. My confession, her reaction, her anger, her fear and herself - so many things occured in so little time. I saw each and every mood of Yatee. The smile which she gave me before dozing off to deep sleep was is the beautiful thing in this world. She herself is the most beautiful and complete thing of this world. After placing her into her current room, I slept with the most satisfying smile.

This morning, just like usual, I woke up before dawn. I quickly changed into my practice wear clothing and left for my Sword practise and horse riding. I came back pretty early than usual. Today I cannot be late. This is the most important day of Yatee's and my life. Today she wil be officially my wife. I quickly looked at  her room to check her but she had left the room, just before some time, I guess. I could see her wet foot marks before the mirror. Suddenly, Ram came into my room -

"Morning Shekhar !" He wished me as he did every morning.

"Good morning !"

"Come on now, don't waste time. Get ready soon. Yatee has left for Kaki Saheb's room. You too, get ready and reach the temple soon. I'll be there for you." Saying so, he handed me my dress or you can say, my dhoti and shawl for Puja and left in a jiffy.

I went and took bath and got ready. Whilst I was getting ready, I heard some soft sounds which were prety unusual to the fort -

"Jatatavigalajjala pravahapavitasthale
Galeavalambya lambitam bhujangatungamalikam
Damad damad damaddama ninadavadamarvayam
Chakara chandtandavam tanotu nah shivah shivam"

(With his neck consecrated by the flow of water that flows from his hair,
And on his neck a snake, which is hung like a garland,
And the Damaru drum that emits the sound “Damat Damat Damat Damat”,
Lord Shiva did the auspicious dance of Tandava. May he give prosperity to all of us.)

Someone was praying to Lord Shiva. But who was that one ? I couldn't identify the person from that faint voice of Mantra. Maybe that's Matoshri. Let's meet her at the temple.

I left my chamber with some flowers which I had collected while returning from my practice. I saw something which was surely unexpected to me. I saw Ram and Matoshri coming from opposite side.

"Suprabhat Matoshri ! You here ? Then who's in the temple ?" I asked her.

"I was going to ask you the same." She replied with similar questioned face.

"Maybe the head priest is performing some sort of Puja." Ram replied in a content tone.

"Maybe... Let's go to the temple then. Maybe he is performing some important Puja." Matoshri said and we both followed her. But none of us knew that another surprise was awaiting us.

On the next corridor near to the temple we saw Head Priest, Pandit Bhanushankar Shastri going towards the temple.

"Sorry Matoshri. I'm pretty late today." He bowed to us and said in an apology tone.

"If you are here then who is performing the Puja in the temple ?" Matoshri now asked in an curious tone. Her sentence was interrupted by another verse of Mantra.

"Jata kata hasambhrama bhramanilimpanirjhari
Vilolavichivalarai virajamanamurdhani
Dhagadhagadhagajjva lalalata pattapavake
Kishora chandrashekhare ratih pratikshanam mama"

(I have a deep interest in Shiva
Whose head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial Ganga anothe,
Which stir in the deep well of his hair in tangled locks.
Who has the brilliant fire burning on the surface of his forehead,
And who has the crescent moon as a jewel on his head.)

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