33 Multitask

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Chapter 33


Lucas's friends are awesome. And by awesome, I mean they're the friendliest, funnest, most down-to-earth guys I've ever met.

Usually, when I join a new group, there's that awkward beginning. The dreadful small talk, the desperate attempt to find something in common, the endless doubt whether they like me or not.

This was the first time when I didn't have to try to fit in. I actually did. I didn't have to fight to earn their approval. I was already enough. What a comforting and pure feeling. To belong.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure I'm going to start my period tomorrow. So I might be a little emotional.

And a little more horny than usual.

Because the instant they leave — actually, Lucas kicks them out — I want nothing more than to climb on his lap.

But I refrain myself. Because I'm a lady. I'm not going to hump the guy.

Not even if he's sitting on the couch with masculine sternness that makes you clench your thighs and suck in a sharp breath.

Broad shoulders relaxed...

Tall legs spread apart...

Hands resting on his thighs with deceptive calm... as if they're not capable of damage.

Silent danger... that's what's sitting on the couch.

"Do you want something?" His husky voice drips with depth and amusement.

"No." I clasp my hands behind my back, standing in front of him. Wait, when did I get in front of him? Was I going somewhere? "Where's your... bathroom?"

"Didn't you just come from the bathroom?" His eyebrows furrow.

I could lie that I have diarrhea. But I don't want him to think of me that way. I choose a less painful route.

"I forgot to wash my hands."

He makes a disgusted face for a moment and repeats which room to open down the hall.

After washing my hands for the second time — because I let the water run to make it believable, then felt bad for wasting it — I return to the living room. No longer a filthy animal.

But as I walk past Lucas to sit next to him, he takes my wrist and pulls me on his lap. Success.

"Are you clean now?" He teases.

"No. I'm full of diseases."

"Perfect. So am I." He raises a seductive eyebrow.

"Oh, yes... keep talking." I breathe heavily.

Lucas chuckles and settles his hands on my hips. My dress doesn't do much to hide the rough feel of his fingers on my skin. Damn this fabric for being in the way.

In the middle of our dirty talk — pun intended — I miss the minor detail that my lace underwear is sitting on top of his coarse denim jeans. The thought makes me nervous.

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