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Author: Samuel Frederick

Episode 7: BAD OMEN.


Apparently, Boma knew I was stylishly looking at him, as well as I knew he was constantly looking at me. Our eyes met again for the umpteenth time and I looked away. I took a sip from my glass and looked up again, only to see him smiling sheepishly at me. He never got tired of staring persistently, which made me somewhat uncomfortable. I was about to turn my gaze elsewhere when I felt something tapping me softly below the table. I looked down and saw his smartphone outstretched to me.

Everyone on our table was engrossed in a conversation-with the exception of Boma and I-so we were partially left out, being the quiet ones in the group. Tensed, I collected the phone and glanced down at it.

'Can we meet outside?' was what I saw on the clear and clean screen. I smiled and punched in 'Yes' before handing the phone back to him. He looked at the screen and chuckled with a cute wink at me, and then stood up, leaving his drink behind.

"Guys, let me quickly get airtime outside." He informed everyone, winking at me again. "Excuse me."

Then he left.

A few minutes later, I followed suit. We met outside and strolled to a mango tree that was close to my department without saying anything at all along the way.

There was utter silence between us even after we got there. We just stood like statues, gazing at each other, both finding it hard to form appropriate words to start up a conversation.

When I couldn't bear the awkward silence between us anymore, I said, "Do you even have anything to say?"

I had expected him to be provoked by the question, but he just smiled and pointed at the bench behind us, motioning for me to sit down. We both sat and I distanced myself from him, making sure I kept a moderate amount of space between us.

Boma looked at me and smiled, in a way that seemed like he completely understood the meaning of what I just did.

"You don't trust me, do you?" He finally talked, to my utmost relief.

"Why should I? I barely even know you." I answered.

He looked at me and grinned weirdly, exhibiting diastemata in the process. I hadn't noticed he was gap-toothed until then.

"But you know my name is Boma. Isn't that enough reason to trust me?"

His question was outright silly, but I had to respond regardless.

"No, I don't think so. You know my name too, but it doesn't really mean anything, to be honest with you. I'll advise you not to get ahead of yourself, sir." I cautioned him politely, adding, "The fact that we both know each other's names doesn't necessarily mean that we are magically cool with each other or something. We are still strangers. Isn't that enough reason for me not to trust you?"

"No, it isn't."

"And why is that?"

"Because we are friends."

"What makes you think so? Gentleman, I barely even know you, for goodness' sake!" I protested audibly, laying emphasis on each and every word.

"Then why did you help me last week when I was being pursued by those rogues?"

"Well, that's because you were bleeding badly... that was the only reason I took you in. If not for that, I would've blatantly ignored you. It doesn't mean we are friends." I explained bluntly, wanting to go further, but Boma made a face and scoffed, as though everything I was saying was falling on deaf ears, so I just zipped my mouth at once, shaking my head at his antics.

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