Chapter 20- Deals

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Lexi's P.O.V

Carlos and I are standing in front of Weber since he apparently has something to say.

"We'll spit it out" I said getting annoyed

"Very well. I know I will be killed so I have a proposition, if you give me a quick death I will tell you everything about Marco and his plan. I want to die peacefully not tortured to death" Weber said

"Give us a moment to think about it" I said and pulled Carlos outside the room

"I. Think we should do it. What do you think" I asked Carlos

"We should. It doesn't hurt us and it saves us time. It's a win win situation. But what if he is telling us something fake" Carlos said

"We can confirm with Miller since he know some of the plan and we won't kill him until we actually verify the plan. If he lies we torture him for months, if he is saying the truth one bullet to the head" I said and Carlos agreed

We head back inside and we see Weber grinning like a mad man

"So what did the leaders decide" Weber said and we rolled our eyes

"We will agree to your plan with one extra addition. We will kill you fast and painless if and only if the plan is real and we stop it. If we find out the plan is fake and you said this made up we will torture you for months. We will nurse you back to health just so that we can torture you more. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE US" I said and he nodded

"We might not be as ruthless as Diego but we did pick up on a few things over the years" Carlos said smirking and I laughed which caused Weber to look scared

"Ok. I accept these conditions since I know these plan are accurate and good" Weber said

"Get on with it, before I get bored and shoot you" Carlos said

"Ok. The death of Diego and Amelia was Marcos and I's Plan. We sabotaged the plane and made so it would malfunction over water so that the Evidence would wash away... and it did" Weber said and I looked over and saw Carlos clenching his jaw I thought he would break his teeth

"Go on" Carlos said through gritted teeth

Weber nodded and kept talking

"Marco said Diego was the cause of Y'all's relationship he said and I quote " if it wasn't for Diego, me and Lexi would be married and happy" unquote. He believes that if Diego never went to your party his mafia would be number one with you on his side." He said and I nodded

"Psycho. Why did he kill Amelia if he blames Diego" I asked

"Amelia was the one who convinced Diego to go to your party and helped him pick out your gift. Those guitars?  Diego picked the star one and Amelia picked the floral one. If it wasn't for her, Diego would've never gone to your party and made YALL leaders" Weber said and I turned around and left the room.

As soon as i left the room I took a breath trying not to cry

Amelia picked out that guitar

She made Diego go to the party

"You good?" Carlos asked as he hugged me

I instantly relaxed into his arms and started crying

"Amelia. Gave me that guitar" I said while crying and Carlos just hugged me tighter

"It's ok. Calm down. You know I hate seeing you cry" Carlos said as he lifted my head and wiped my tears

"I'm a big baby. Im always so emotional" I said looking at him and he smiled at me

He has such a pretty smile

"You are my baby" Carlos said as he kissed me

"Come on let's go hear the rest of what he was telling us" Carlos said and I nodded

We walked back in and let Weber continue the story

"Okay where was I... oh yes. Marcos overall plan is to kill all of you including the baby and take over your mafia. I tried to convince him not to kill the baby since she is innocent, but he said since she has Smirnov blood she will never be innocent" he said and I gasped

"He would kill a baby just cause she has his blood" I said

"Yes. He wants to completely wipe all of his competition and the baby is a big competition. Since if both you are Carlos die the mafia will be rightfully hers or when she turns 18 the mafia will be hers also since she has the Russian blood in her" he said and I nodded

"Anything else we need to know" Carlos asked and he nodded

"Yes. Marco will try sabotage every plane and jet you have and plant moles in your mafia to find out your next plans. He said he will be one step ahead... always. Whatever that means. Anyways, don't go on a plane. I know y'all were going to go to Italy. Don't or you will suffer the same faith as Diego and Amelia" he said and we nodded

"Please make sure my children are taken care of when I pass. They had nothing to do with this. I decided to partner with the Italians. They have no idea. Leave them alone is all I ask. Make sure one of them takes over. They should know what to do if not. Consider my death a treaty between our mafia" Weber said and we nodded

"Don't worry we will take care of your children. And we will have a treaty signed before your death so that you can't go back on your word if this goes south and something happens" Carlos said and Weber nodded

"If we need any other information we will come and talk to you until then you will stay here" I said and he nodded

"Understood" he said And we left the room and headed towards miller's room

We walked in to see him staring at the wall

"Hey Lexi. Who is this" Miller asked and I rolled my eyes

"Don't say my name but this is the other leader of the mafia" I said and Carlos nodded

"That's cool. You both look pretty young to be leaders. Need any tips" Miller said and we laughed

"Dude. You sell real estate what would you know about mafias or how to lead one" Carlos asked and he shrugged his shoulders

"How bout this. A deal we can make. You interested?" I said and he nodded

"Good. We need information about Marco and his plan. If you do this we will kill you painlessly, if you don't we will torture you and bring you so close to death, you will see that white light many times before actually going towards it. So what do say? Deal or no deal?" I said and he nodded

"Deal. What I know is that Marco a few warehouse on the outskirts of Russia where it's basically a blizzard everyday. He also asked me if I knew somebody who knew about planes, I said no since I am not getting involved in any illegal things. He said he is "taking back what is his" whatever that means" miller said and we nodded and left

We head back to our main warehouse and go to Carlos office and sit down

"Well today was an eventful day" I said and Carlos laughed

"Yeah. We only found out that Marco is trying to kill us and is going to try to ruin our mafia. Pretty normal day if I do say so" he said and I laughed

"We will stop him. Marco is not that good at attacking or leading a mafia. So we will be ready for when he does come" I said and Carlos nodded

"I really like you. I'm happy you are my girlfriend" Carlos said and I smiled

"I really like you too and am happy you are my boyfriend" I said and I kissed his cheek

We were in his office just talking when William walks in with a panicked look on his face and a crying Adriana in his arms

Thanks for reading!!!!!
Hope you enjoyed 😊😊
See you soon 😏😏

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