thirty one

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it was now christmas, the day everyone waited for. indigo woke up at six am, since she had forgotten to place the gifts she bought under the tree. the house was almost silent, phil and his wife were awake and making coffee in the kitchen, but indie knew he wouldn't mind if she placed the presents. 

once everyone woke up, which wasn't too long after indigo woke up, they decided to have breakfast and then open the gifts. 

"NOW LETS OPEN THE PRESENTS!" tommy yelled at the top of his lungs right after shoving large amounts of cereal through his throat. tubbo and him raced to the christmas tree that had many many presents underneath. both of the boys rummaged through the pile carefully, trying to find the presents that had their name on it. once everyone had found their gifts, they sat in a circle, ready to open them. 

"who wants to go first?" phil asked the group. several hands were raised. 

"i think dream should open his, since he was the once who created the smp and we wouldn't be here without big man." jack said, looking at dream. 

"sure, i mean, i'm not complaining." dream grabbed the first present, a big blue one with messy wrapping. he slowly opened it, making sure not to rip it until sapnap got impatient and ripped it for him, handing him a black box that was revealed. 

"sapnap! that was supposed to be mine!" dream argued. sapnap shrugged.

"wasn't my fault you were too slow." dream sighed and lifted the handle of the box to see a pair of clout glasses. he looked at george who was smiling. 

"open the card later." george said. 

dream later received three minecraft plushies, a minecraft glow stone night light, a mini fridge, a hat, a lava lamp, a mask, candles, and a new keyboard plus mouse. soon it was tommy's turn, the one that indigo had waiting long for. he took the first present he could find and opened it, knowing that it was indigo's since she wrote her name on it as well. it wasn't a big, but a small gift back with red and white tissue paper on the top. he took out the paper and saw a brown box inside with a card as well. he looked around the group to see everyone giving smirks and winks at him, he shrugged it off and took out the box. it had his initials on it, T.S. he unwrapped the lace bow that was neatly put there and saw a book. it wasn't any book, but a scrap book that indigo had made with their memories together. some from before las vegas, and others after they had come. 

"did you make this indie?" he asked the blushing indigo, for which she nodded. 

tommy leaned over to hug her, and indigo melted in his touch. it was just them, she didn't even realize the whole group smiling and wilbur cheering for tommy. they pulled away and lovingly smiled at each other, tommy giving her a lopsided grin.


"tommy?" a voice called as tommy sat in the living room, switching through the channels. 

"yeah?" george came into the kitchen and gave tommy a wave, before sitting next to him. tommy slightly stiffened as he put his hand on his shoulder. (a/n: put your hea- hAnd on my shooooouuuulderrrrrr... you didn't see me here 🧍🏽‍♀️)

"i need to talk to you about something, tommy." he said, after a moment of awkward silence. tommy nodded, letting him continue. 

"so, you and indigo?" 

"uh- w-what do you mean?" george gave him an 'are-you-serious' look.

"you like her right?"

"i-i mean yeah, we're good friends..."

"no, like, like like."

"uh- n-no?" tommy said, though it came out more of a question.

"tommy, if you hurt her-"

"i won't. i promise. i know about her past, and she didn't deserve it. b-but i will be nice to her." tommy blurted out. george looked at him, a stern look on his face, like he was trying to figure out if he was lying or would actually do it.

"fine." tommy looked at him, nervously. should i ask him now? or...

"what is it?" george asked, furrowing his eyebrows. 

"do you- will you let me ask indigo... out?"

"oh, uh sure," george said, raising from the couch to walk away, "remember that if anything happens, i will hurt you." he said, exiting the room, making tommy sigh from relief. now all he had  to do was ask indigo on a date...


indigo had said yes, and now they were out in the cold, trying to find a good place to eat lunch on the day after christmas. the wind blew in their face, making their noses turn red. tommy soon found the perfect restaurant, a subway...

"when i thought of the idea of a date, i thought it would be more... fancy?" indigo said, sitting at a table, chewing on her sandwich with tommy. 

"well, i did think of that, but this is just the start of the date." he replied, smiling at indie's confused face. 

"what do you mean?"

"well, this is the beginning. you'll see, stop asking so many questions, woman."

"ugh, fine."

it seemed as if tommy was correct, there was a lot more to the date. the next thing they did was ice skating, which was one of indigo's favorites. it was an indoor rim, but it would still be the same amount of fun. they sat at the bench tying their skates, then tried to stand up.

"tommy! stop leaning on me!" indigo grabbed his hand as he struggled to balance himself. she laughed at him, and got up as well, helping tom to the ice rank, where he immediately grabbed onto the wall around them. 

"i c-can't skate." he said, holding on for dear life. indigo chuckled and reached her hand out for him to hold. tom looked up at her brown eyes, and took her hand, letting her drag him across the rank to the middle. she then let go of him, making him stumble on his feet.

"hold your hands out," she said, so he could balance. he did as he was told and became less wobbly. they had fun after, though they both fell several times when trying to help each other. 


"now what?" indigo askes as they exited the ice rank, it was already dark outside and their legs started to ache a bit. 

"now dinner." he led them to a diner, which was much fancier than subway. they ordered chicken and sandwiches. once they finished, they head to the fountain show at the bellagio. they watched as the fountains came out of the water and music plays. the water came out and went in going to the beat of the music. it was entertaining and relaxing to watch the water and listen to 'fly me to the moon'. 

"indigo. davidson." a familiar voice said behind them once the show was over. they turned around.

"hello jessica." indigo calmly said to jessica and jason who were holding hands. 


doesn't this situation seem familiar...? i'm not sure where i remember this 🤔😁

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