chapter 30 the hurtful past

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Darsh sat on his chair, and opened the drawer, took out a photo frame in which a smiling aditi was posing for her perfect snap and scolding darsh to take it correctly

It was seven years back when darsh joined the office as a trainee under Nirmal. after completing his post graduation. Chotima only has her brother in her maternal family after the demise of their parents. Arjun Singhal is the only nephew of chotima and a very dear one too. So it was when he attended Arjun Singhal‘s reception where darsh lost his heart for the very first time. Actually, darsh is not very fond of these wedding rituals, so he attended only the reception. As he doesn’t know that this party will change his life forever. Aditi malhotra, the younger daughter of famous businessman yash malhotra known for textile business 

. Tanisha malhotra, the elder sister to Aditi, was hitched in an arranged marriage with Arjun Singhal. in the party darsh was mesmerized by the beauty of Aditi. he was the first time feeling this type of pull towards any girl. Kabir understood his interest., Kabir Rawat was a long related cousin to aditi and tanisha. So as a loyal friend, he introduced Aditi to Darsh.; they talked on every topic in that party; they exchanged the mobile numbers. After the party, they both started calling, chatting on text and even going on dates. Aditi had a very attractive personality,  beauty with brains, she had a charming aura around her which is making darsh fall for her hard.

    They revealed their relationship to their families quickly.. their families accepted their relationship, Both the families concluded that after darsh complete with his internship they will get them married. But Aditi was not happy with this so she convinced darsh to start a live-in relationship.

Darsh was hesitant before, but after her pleas, he agreed at last. As both are feeling the same physical attraction. 

Kedar singhania strictly opposed this, but knowing darsh's stubborn nature, he had to agree at last. Darsh bought a penthouse in a posh area which was close to his office. And Then aditi shifted there, as the malhotra family knew about the money, name and power the singhania name had. So why do they mind, and cherry on the top darsh is the first heir of singhania and as well as the only heir of Narangs, which means a lot of money and a lot of power?

    Time passed by.. It has been eight months while living in this arrangement. Darsh and Aditi were enjoying their relationship to the fullest. Aditi herself took the first step for Darsh to have a physical relationship with her. The couple had busy days with work and nights full of passionate lovemaking,.she totally wrapped Darsh around her finger. Aditi was also doing her internship in her father's business. Aditi was a very bold girl, outspoken, and fearless. Darsh has a quiet personality, not very fond of parties and takes time to mingle with new people, but for the sake of Aditi’s happiness, he doesn’t oppose her for parties.

The only flaw in Aditi has been her expenses. She never got concerned about expenses. She was one of those people who first notice the rate tag as the thing., for her, the more expensive the better. First, First her father used to pamper her with whatever she wants and now darsh is also doing the same. her. But darsh’s mentality was not like her, this habit grandfather had taught him to value money,.. Darsh wanted Aditi to understand the same thing, but he feared Aditi’s reaction, so he decided that maybe with time she will understand this thing. After all, Aditi was his first love, his most precious possession. He just wants to establish his business so that he can officially make her his wife.

Tanisha was going to welcome her first child after two months. It was Tanisha's baby shower that day. Darsh clearly remembers the last day when he saw, touched and talked with Aditi. That day she was getting ready to attend the baby shower.. Darsh was looking at her beauty without blinking his eyes.

“Baby, please pass me the gift pack from the cupboard “, aditi requested darsh who was already sulking because he would not attend this function with her, as it’s a ladies function. Darsh got up and took out the packet to hand over aditi. Suddenly a slip fell down, so darsh picked it up and opened it. It was the bill of some jewelry shop of 5 lacs for some diamond bracelet and the mode of payment was his card, which he gave to the aditi for her expenses.

 ” Which bracelet is this?’’ Darsh asked Aditi, showing the slip.

“It’s a diamond studded bracelet for the newborn baby of Tanisha di.“Aditi replied casually.

  “ What! are you kidding me, for a newborn who will not even understand the meaning or value of this, this is a very costly aditi, you should have thought of some other useful gift, don’t you think this is a waste of money “darsh stated in a stern voice.

   Listening to this, Aditi got more than enraged. “oh really darsh now I have to give you details of my expenses., that day my card was not getting accepted at the jeweler’s so I have to pay for your card. But don’t worry, I will ask dad and give this amount back to you. “

    “Aditi, don’t talk rubbish. It’s not about my money or your money, it’s about how much it will be useful to that kid. I am not fond of showing off, so I expressed what I thought was right'“. darsh said in a loud voice.

  ‘ Ooh! really than do hell with your opinion. You know you are a very selfish person Darsh. sometimes I think you are just using me “

   “Really! I am selfish who left the whole family to live with you ,wow !aditi malhotra just wow!, and about using you, so I must remind you that you are the one to make the first move to have sex with me, you are the one who are living in my house using my money on your so-called lifestyle. So now tell me who is using who ha!” “Darsh shouted at her.

Listening to such unpleasant words, Aditi left the penthouse and went to the parking area to take her car. Unfortunately, it was not getting started so hand,, she took darsh’s car and started driving towards her Didi‘s house. On the way, Tanisha called her to know her whereabouts, to which she narrated the entire argument with darsh to tanisha. Tanisha knows her sister’s nature very well, so she consoled her, saying she will definitely talk to darsh and sort this out. Suddenly a loud bang was heard, and the call went switched off. It scared Tanisha that what must have happened ,she was praying for Aditi.

    When darsh calmed down, he regretted the hard words he said to aditi, well he was sure a date with her would calm her anger down. Suddenly, his phone started ringing. It was dadaji. As soon as he picked it up, a panicked voice of dadaji 

   “Hello, hello darsh beta where are you?” 

  “I am in my penthouse, dadaji, what happened? Why are you sounding like this? Are you ok? Is everyone fine at home? .“Darsh explained in a worried tone 

“So, where is your car?Who was driving it?.” Dadaji asked 

  “May be aditi, her car was having some problem yesterday ““darsh answered 

  “,  Beta, just reach the city hospital. Your car met with an accident. Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” Dadaji answered hurriedly. 

  Darsh was frightened, panicked and rushed to the hospital on his bike. As soon as he reached the hospital., crying faces of Mr and Mrs malhotra, crying tanisha arjun consoling her. As soon as darsh came into view of Tanisha, she grabbed his collar.

   ‘ You devil, you killed her,, my aditi, my aditi is gone because of you ‘

   Kabir was also present there. He tried to remove Tanisha’s hold from the darsh collar.but Tanisha screamed.

“Arjun, listen to me. Darsh caused her to cry badly and when I talked to her on her way home because of him, she was disturbed and this  … she has gone, Arjun, my Aditi has gone. “

    Arjun tried to handle Tanisha, but her pregnant state was not helping.


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