Chapter - 29

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Crystal’s eyes swept through the room as she took her seat beside Frederick. Hunter flocked her left side, giving an encouraging smile in her direction when their eyes met. The absence of the notorious prince was noticed by many, though no one knew where he was; probably enjoying his time with the pups.

“Good afternoon, gentlemen.” Frederick said, addressing the council, “Today we welcome the future queen of the werewolves, my heir Crystal Bernadette Lloyd.” 

Crystal stood and bowed to the council, astonishing them. Some expressed a subtle smile and nodded in approval at her sign of respect for her elderly. While some scorned muttering lowly ‘dramatic’. 

The blue-eyed warlock displayed a foxy smile while she took her seat. Her portrayal of respect and the response in return helped her to deduce the number of people in favour of her. Determining the number of opposers helped her get a boost of confidence as the number was negligible. With a final nod of approval from her father, she took over the meeting.

Sitting tall in her seat, she looked each council member in the eye and addressed them in a firm voice. “Greetings. We are all well aware of the agenda of this meeting. So without further ado, I would like you all to voice your opinions.”

The councilmen shifted in their seats a little unable to meet her gaze; they have never been questioned or addressed by a woman before. The last time a female ever stepped into the council room was the now Queen twenty years ago, and her stare had made some of them tremble in fear.

The council head decided to be the spokesperson, clearing his throat he spoke, “Well, first congratulations on winning the duel, My Lady. Proceeding to today’s agenda, the council would like to hear your proposal in person.” 

Crystal nodded at him in understanding. She flipped open the file, which comprised every detail regarding the Treaty of Alliance. With a quick brush through the pages she looked up at the council, “My proposal is simple, we fulfil the Treaty of Alliance that was originally proposed by my grandfather Edward Lloyd on the eve of my parents’ marriage.”

“But the circumstances have changed,” the councilman Will interrupted. 

“If you can please settle down, I might address your concerns.” Crystal replied. A low chuckle was heard at the back of the room as Crystal gave a sweet smile to Will.

“As I was saying before dear Will raised serious concern. The circumstances have changed but the interests haven’t. The Warlock Kingdom still has the best interest at heart for us.” Crystal said, giving a hard stare at Will.

“And how can we be sure of that? The current situation is the gift of their negligence.” Another member spoke.

“What situation? My safe return? I don’t see any turbulence in the werewolf kingdom, on the contrary, the warlock kingdom has been torn into pieces.” Her voice rose an octave as she recalled the broken look on Marvis’s face.

“They deserved it. We should kill every single warlock out there to stop any future threats.” Will’s voice raged, underlined by a deep hatred towards the potion brewers.

“Don’t forget your Luna and future Queen are one of them. Are you going to kill us, too? Then please allow me to imprison you as a threat to the throne.” Crystal retorted back, her eyes daring Will to defy her. 

Silence swept over the council as they pondered over the statement. Crystal could see them agreeing with her silently. Taking this opportunity she said, “The warlocks saved my life, they saved the hope of the kingdom. We owe it to them. Even during the battle, they kept their promise. They accepted the blows without striking back. When we all know that warlocks entail more powers than us.” Her words pierced each of their hearts. 

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