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"Who are they?"

At Bella's question, 5-out-of-the-world students with inhuman beauty entered the cafeteria. Clara smiled and waved at Alice and Rosalie who smiled and waved back much to Jessica's shock.

"Dr and Mrs Cullen's foster kids. They all moved here from Alaska like two years ago." From the tone of Jessica's voice, Clara could tell that she was into the gossip.

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela stated.

"Because they're all together, like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie and the big guy, Emmett, they're like a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal." Jessica said.

"Jess they're not actually related." Angela reminded.

"But they live together. The little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird." Jessica commented, "I mean Dr Cullen's this foster dad slash match maker."

"Maybe you should ask him to adopt you." Clara joked and Angela, Mike and Eric laughed while Bella and Jessica rolled their eyes. From the other side, Emmett snickered and Rosalie and Alice chuckled.

"Who are they?" Bella asked to the other two behind.

"The one in the right is Jasper Hale, super attractive but always looks like he's in pain. And the other is Edward Cullen, totally gorgeous but apparently no one's good enough for him. Like I care. Anyways don't waste your time." Jessica said and Clara had to control herself from laughing at the amount of bitterness in Jessica's voice.

"Wasn't planning to." Bella mumbled but Clara could tell that wasn't he case.

Jessica pointed at Clara whose face was behind the magazine.
"Did you even listen? What's so good about a magazine?"

Clara put her magazine low enough to show her face.
"I'm allergic to boring." She said before pulling the magazine back up and reading.

From the Cullen table, Jasper chuckled. Clara seemed funny.
"What?" He asked when all his siblings stared at the him, shocked.

"Nothing." They replied and looked elsewhere. Jasper smiling, let alone chuckling in a crowd of humans was a rare sight to see, but this human girl Clara easily accomplished it without knowing. Alice inwardly squealed and Rosalie and Emmett grinned. Jasper had suffered too much, they wanted nothing but for him to be happy.


Clara's next subject was History. The girl dragged her feet there, History was never her favourite subject. She always managed to fall asleep for some reason and she just barely passed in her exam. How the 16 year was allowed to attend 11th grade History despite her poor marks at the subject remained a mystery to the girl.

She entered the class and Mrs Morgan seated her to Jasper Hale. Clara inwardly calmed her heartbeat which was beating faster than usual. As she sat, she smiled at the honey blonde haired boy and introduced,
"Hi I'm Clara Swan."

Jasper smiled at her. "Jasper Hale ma'am." He has a southern drawl to his speaking.

Clara blushed at the 'ma'am'. The class started and the topic was Civil War. As much as Clara tried to pay attention, her eyelids kept almost closing. Jasper who took short glances at the girl, chuckled. The way she kept picking up her dropping head was adorable.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He asked.

Clara giggled light and nodded. "No. I'm sleepy." She pouted and Jasper knew that if he could, he would blush.

He chuckled and said,
"If you want, you can fall asleep. I can share my notes with you."

"Really?" Clara asked and when Jasper nodded, a bright smile came upon her face, "Thanks Jaz! You're my saviour!" She thanked and put her head on the table and slept.

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